Yes Is Spelled Y-E-S, But How Do You Pronounce E-Y-E-S? E-Yes, Apparently

1 min

Let’s see, we have e-mails, e-books, e-banking, e-business, and now we have e-Yes.

Technology is to blame for making our lives a lot easier, less complicated, but for many, it also very, very confusing.

Here is a typical example how.

Don from New Zealand was so caught up with the “e”-s and “i”-s ( iPod, iPhone, iTunes, iMessage) around him, that he got a brain-block when asked to say what does E-Y-E-S mean?

After spelling Y-E-S for “Yes”, you can understand why he went for the logical conclusion that E-Y-E-S is E-Yes.

His E-Yes video is going viral fast. Take a look.

At least he has a good sense of e-humor.


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