You ever sit around and question what it means to have all this technology coming out? For some it means hey, I want that, I’m going to get it. But what about us? What about the people who can’t exactly afford a new phone or an Arizona iced tea for whatever reason! Well, I’m here to help you (oh so slightly) deal with some of those woes.
Tips that are not in the show:
Trading in – If you are super low and cash but you really want to play Dishonored, guess what? By even wanting Dishonored this means you proabably own the console required to play it. Which also means that you probably have other games because face it, you’re a geek and you just do. So, trade those suckers in. Frankly, I don’t care how much you love Skyrim.
Check for upgrades on mobile devices – Well, there is always that chance that you might be due for an upgrade. If you can walk to the store and check, good for you. If you can drive there, you have gas money, obviously, and shouldn’t even be reading this. But if you’re like me, you call in advance to see.
Dumpster dive – Let’s face it, Gamestop’s and Play n Trade’s, XYZ Land and Chuckie Cheese’s all throw stuff out. So what’s the problem? Find that go-to dumpster and check them on the days the trash go out. I wouldn’t do it but I’m sure you can pretend to be a hobo and ask that one pothead employee out back (who you probably ended up smoking with) for some kind of time-frame.
Feautured Tracks:
Flying Lotus – Putty Boy Strut
Quasiomoto – Astro Black
Samiyam – Lifesized Stuffed Animal
Captain Murphy – Mighty Morphin Foreskin
Thundercat – Walkin’
Earl Sweatshirt – Luper
what about ssbb on the wii?