From the creators of Dungeon Defiler, Slalom, El Codex Del Peregrino, Rotorscope, and Iredia comes a new, interactive game focused on a free, online experience. Unlike many other free online games, this point-and-click adventure would be released in installments of chapters, and you will be able to use a community account to track and record the content you’ve unlocked while playing. Reminiscent of Sword & Sworcery, Lost, Homestuck, and horror tales such as The Telltale Heart and The Call of Cthulhu, each increment will add plenty of new content, mechanics, and information for gamers. Without further ado, here’s the good and the bad of The Last Door.

The actual gameplay mechanics are not heavily discussed, but we can see that the game focuses on its plot more than anything else. There will be items and chapters to collect online, along with a likely achievement system. The forums will be a place for multiple players to gather together and pool their resources, whether through advice or straight-up walkthroughs. The scene with many different characters begs the question—will this be capable of multi-player? Even if it was a unique way of showing the developers, a co-op online horror point-and-click adventure has never been done like this. It would make the game stand out tremendously.

The pilot chapter of the game takes place in 19th century England and draws inspiration from Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft. It’s difficult to go wrong with that combo, and their main theme and brief synopsis of the story’s setting show that character development will be key in the success of the game. The identity of the main character and the people in the photos is something to be found out, not something you are told. Kickstarter backers also have access to an Alternate Reality mode of gameplay, which allows them to see different outcomes than the main timeline portrays. Each chapter will be riddled with clues about the next, and the development team is in it for the long haul.

Unfortunately, the only thing being funded by Kickstarter is the game’s pilot chapter. If this game is anything like Homestuck (as they describe), there’s a large chance that we’ll see many, many more chapters after that. While having a large amount of updates and chapters is normally a good thing, the coins that they keep beside unlocked chapters in their mock-up of the website makes me nervous. There’s a possibility that they intend to sell extra content directly to gamers—making The Last Door focus on micro sales and passive income, rather than a truly free experience. Hopefully I am wrong about guessing this—they could still make these coins available in the game or through mini games, after all.

With luck, this game should stay as a truly free experience, much like Homestuck. Releasing small games in increments will take much more than what they’re asking, but hopefully the developers will be able to sustain themselves through advertising or the community so that they can continue to release chapters. Releasing a game as a webcomic is a rare and difficult achievement, so if you are interested in seeing it happen, please be sure to give their Kickstarter page a visit. The £10 tier is what will give you access to the Alternate Reality Game, so be sure to consider it.

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  1. Hi! Thanks for your words. Really I can’t say how happy I am to read this because you are the first one that really got the idea of our vision. And I think you managed to explain some aspects of the project better than we ever could.

    We have already been looking for feedback and comments to try to improve how we explain the idea better, because its hard to prepare the project at the same time you prepare an “elegant” and effective campaign.

    About the “coins” I just want to say that we don’t ever never want to make this a F2P game. We have already tried this in the past with other projects but, as players and developers, we don’t actually like this model. As players we have never got to enjoy it, and as developers we don’t really get the connection with the players that we want and it always become just a matter of statistics and metrics. We usually see this project to be closer to the “ransom” model that was a precursor to crowdfunding. It is true that we plan to have a “virtual currency” (that may take a while to implement in the project), those are the “cp” you can see in the web mockup, it refers to “community points” and their solely purpose is to encourage community interaction. These are big plans, but we have to make a humble start and see who else is excited by this “rare and difficult” challenge.

    I would love to be in touch because it’s amazing how you nailed it, and I would like to show you other things we have prepared.

I picked up a B.A. in English with a specialty in Poetry. I also draw manga-inspired webcomics and play far too much Minecraft in my free time. My favorite game is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, while my favorite series is Suikoden!
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