Loans Available to Finance a Used Car

Shopping for a used car? Feeling overwhelmed by how critical it can get while paying for one? A lot of buyers consider getting a car from a used car dealership something that would be paid for with a used car loan. Although buying a used car can be a lot cheaper than buying a new car, it can cost you a lot more when it comes to the financial aspects. You need patience, persistence and preparation, which can enable you to get a very good deal on your new vehicle. Of course, new to you!

Personal Loan

If your credit rating is up to the mark, you can get a personal loan from either the bank or a finance provider. Moreover, the cost can be spread from one to seven years. However, you should make sure of the fact that the loan has not been secured against your home, because if it is, your house will be at a huge risk. In case you fail to repay the loans.

Look around for the best interest rate, which also include the rates of the annual percentages, including other charges that need to be paid other than the interest.


  • It is a cheap alternative compared to using cash.
  • Can be done virtually.
  • Covers the entire car cost.
  • Easy to get competitive fixed rates, if you look around.


  • Since it is a personal loan, you will have to wait for the lender to transfer the funds to your account. However, it can be available immediately as well though.
  • Borrowing from others might be affected.
  • Your monthly cost can be higher compared to opting for other options.

Personal Contact Purchase

This contact works on the same basis as the hire purchase agreement, but the monthly payments are much lower comparatively. Moreover, even the total amount of money that would be needed to pay back would be much higher.

The amount of money that you receive is the difference between the car’s price from when it was new and the current price of is based on the forecast of the mileage on the term agreement. However, the balloon payment will be much higher than your monthly payments to be precise.

Credit Card

When a person uses a credit card to purchase their car, it enables them to get that extra protection for situations such as something going wrong. As long as you pay at least a hundred dollars for it, using your card and meet the monthly payments. Although some of the dealers take an extra handling fee.

Peer to Peer Loans

A peer loan or a social loan allows individuals to get a loan without involving the banks or any other finance institutes. There are several websites available, which can enable you to get a loan very easily. Nevertheless, a good credit score is a must, regardless. Moreover, any missed payments will have a negative effect on your rating as well.

Other than that, the rate of interest depends on your credit score, so you might be able to get a better interest.

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