One of the commonly held misconceptions about elective cosmetic surgery is that it can be the solution to all things that bother you about that part of your body. As an example, men and women both pursue the rhinoplasty procedure when they are concerned about the size or shape of their nose. Or women undergo a tummy tuck or breast augmentation procedure in effort to feel more comfortable and confident.

Insecurities about these parts of the body can lead to concerns that ultimately take a toll on your personal relationships. Men and women can both start to withdraw from their significant other as they feel increasingly uncomfortable and self-conscious about the way that they look in front of the mirror.

For men, the augmentation process can help to provide a small boost in a relationship that is otherwise struggling as an indirect result of feeling self-conscious about the most intimate areas of his body.

What can male augmentation accomplish?

It is thought that as many as 60% of men are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their penis. The Calibre enlargement procedure is just one option that can help to augment the way that the penis looks. While other augmentation procedures may rely on surgical intervention, and may be much more permanent options, this one uses dermal fillers that are not permanent. Results can last for well over a year, but the procedure will need to be repeated after some time in order to maintain the results.

This procedure can help to increase the size of the glans and also help to boost the girth of the penis itself. For a man who has long been concerned about how he measures up, this can make a world of positive difference that spills over into personal relationships and all aspects of his life.

The importance of realistic expectations

Perhaps the most important part of any cosmetic procedure is maintaining realistic expectations from the procedure. It’s important to have confidence in the expertise offered by your surgeon, but also just as important to discuss what may or may not be realistic for your unique physique.

Being dissatisfied with the results of your procedure can lead to feeling depressed and unhappy, which can also take a toll on your personal relationship. If you have realistic expectations and see great results from your procedure, you are much more likely to feel that satisfaction spill over into all aspects of your life, including your relationship with your partner.

Having a conversation with your partner

The foundation of any good relationship is open and honest communication. If your partner has never expressed concern about the areas you’re most interested in augmenting, it can potentially come as a surprise to learn you’re unhappy with this part of your body.

You may just find that your conversation leads to a different mindset and approach about your desire to undergo a male augmentation procedure. If you are still determined to undergo a non-invasive procedure that can help you to increase your size, you should have the full support of your partner. This type of honest communication can go a long way towards ensuring that your relationship is as steady as is possible.


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Nick Guli

Nick Guli is a writer at He loves movies, TV shows and video games. Nick brings you the latest news, reviews and features. From blockbusters to indie darlings, he’s got his take on the trends, fan theories and industry news. His writing and coverage is the perfect place for entertainment fans and gamers to stay up to date on what’s new and what’s next.
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