Investing in a high-quality patio umbrella for your backyard comes with a big payoff – countless days will be spent under it over the years with friends and family as you share wonderful and memorable times. Patio umbrellas are far from a one-size-fits all affair, though – the kind of umbrella you choose to get will depend on factors such as the size of your backyard, what you plan on using it for, and the existing aesthetic design of your garden. Although considering all of these things can be overwhelming, we’ve assembled a great collection of tips to get you well on your way to finding the perfect patio umbrella for your space.

Where to start with your umbrella shopping

So, you’ve found an amazing outdoor umbrella sale, found the perfect umbrella and brought it home. So, what now? One of the easiest things to think about first is the colour of your umbrella – you should obviously choose something that will complement your space (and also something that will stand the test of time design-wise). You might then start considering shape – you might elect to choose a regular round, square, octagonal, or other irregular shapes. Just make sure the shape you choose complements your needs – for example, smaller spaces often benefit more from square umbrellas. Another thing to consider is the kind of mechanisms used to deploy the umbrella, as the market includes traditional models alongside contemporary sophisticated push-buttons models. Traditional models implement a crank-only system for opening and closing the umbrella, which can sometimes be a more difficult option than the push-button options. You may often pay a premium for these newer options, but these umbrellas also often introduce other advanced features such as the ability to tilt the umbrella in the direction of the sun.

Determining the umbrella’s dimensions

When looking for your umbrella, you’ll need to pay very close attention to the dimensions. First, you’ll need to find an umbrella high enough for adequate shade coverage. For this, it’s usually a good idea to consider the height of your guests – a 7-foot umbrella might prove too short for some! Next comes the size of the base, as this plays a significant role in the stability of your umbrella. As a good rule of thumb, the heavier the base, the more stable the umbrella will be. This will ensure it will not easily fall over in the event of strong winds. Finally, the heavier the materials used in the ribs and canopy of your patio umbrella, the greater the pole diameter must be. This pole diameter will also be related to how well your umbrella withstands wind, so if that’s something important to you it’s worth looking into something with a fibreglass pole.

Choosing the right umbrella for your space

Although you might go into buying a patio umbrella as a way to add a beautiful flair to your garden, it’s important to keep in mind all of the options and variables that can influence the final look. There’s nothing worse than taking what you thought was the perfect umbrella home only to find it was a terrible fit, after all. With all these points in mind, though, you should have a very good idea of how to use a patio umbrella in your space – now it’s just up to you to exercise some of your creative flair!


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Nick Guli

Nick Guli is a writer at He loves movies, TV shows and video games. Nick brings you the latest news, reviews and features. From blockbusters to indie darlings, he’s got his take on the trends, fan theories and industry news. His writing and coverage is the perfect place for entertainment fans and gamers to stay up to date on what’s new and what’s next.