How to Find the Right Business Software for Your Company

2 min

Running a business – any business – will need some sort of software. Web designers, restaurants, construction companies and Realtors need business software. Accounts software, time management and payroll software, inventory and sales software are typical examples of apps which make running a business more efficient.

The trouble is, what is the ‘best’ software for any given task or integrated task management, and how is ‘best’ defined? Take a straw poll in any office or work place asking what is the best software and you’ll probably receive as many different answers as there were people in the poll.

To source the right software for your particular business, it is best to look at why it is required, how it will be deployed, how it will benefit the company and if custom software development is worth the investments. So, here are four things to consider when looking for a single or multiple software solutions for your business.

Don’t be distracted

Software and apps are valuable tools but they can be mighty distraction. Keeping it as simple as possible is the key to keeping things as simple and as affordable as possible. As an example, Google provides free email as well as managed solutions. Integrated email, calendar and online documents all on a single platform will simplify day to day operations, communications and planning. Google docs is a free service. Then again, you can also use MS Office but you’ll need t buy licenses for each person using the Office suite, so that may be a reason not to go down the MS route.

Choose software which supports business goals

Software which Expanding on item #1, the choice of software and apps you choose will ultimately depend on work business goals and flows. As an example, companies such as deploy software for helping their clients to source funding for start up businesses and established businesses. Software which helps connect business users with business finance lenders is a strategic element of the business model.

Choose software which is integrated

Select apps which fulfil your own business needs. Don’t consider apps or software which has lots of tools which you may not need. It can be distracting for users if there are too many options in a software package. As an example of software with tools which offer integration without distraction, Brightpod is an excellent choice. CRM and integrated email marketing, customer service modules and simple texting for customers and other stakeholders delivers efficient working practice.

Get everyone onboard

Remember, the stakeholders who will use the software should be consulted. Ask them their opinions; they may have used other software in other positions they may have held. You may discover more about a software package which the official manuals do not tell you. If it is integrated where customers can place orders, send texts messages or combined email, ask customers what they are looking for and how it might impact them.

In the main, software is a tool which should help your business and work flows. It should help the business become more efficient. If it does not or doesn’t fulfil all your requirements, look around until you find the right software package for your specific business needs.


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