Kelly Skidmore Think’s It’s Okay To Remove Gravestones of Fallen Soldiers from Photos Attacking Opponent

1 min

Negative political campaigning has been around for years. As technology and social media become more advanced, we see the most bizarre and creative attacks on opponents running for office. Oftentimes, they are meant as a tool of rebuttal calling out certain facts or positions on issues against each other. However, sometimes when the truth is exposed behind certain attacks it reveals darkness and poor judgement.

Kelly Skidmore, candidate for Florida State House District 81, is at it again, this time voters are concerned and calling into question Skidmore’s judgement as  recurring baseless attacks continue. Skidmore’s Team released an image of her opponent, Democrat Michael Weinstein, in a hoodie appearing to look ominously sinister. Voters soon found out that the truth, that Skidmore’s supporters  distastefully took the image out of context to gain wins.

Further research and a follow up email from  Weinstein on the matter revealed the photo was significantly edited in an attempt to remove the military gravestones from  Weinstein’s background and make him look smug. The worst part is, Weinstein’s photo was taken on the anniversary of D-Day at Normandy American Cemetery to memorialize fallen heroes and veterans, leaving us questioning Skidmore’s ethics and patriotism.

Weinstein was joined by his family on June 6, 2012 to pay their respects to those who fought on the beaches of Normandy during World War II, in which about 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region.

Weinstein recounts when the photo was taken during his visit, “For the anniversary of D-Day, my family and I visited the Normandy American Cemetery to pay our respects. It was raining, but that did not stop us from going to honor the heroes who gave their lives to defend our freedoms and defeat Nazi Germany. This visit to Normandy was part of my inspiration to seek office. My grandfather, Moses Weinstein, told me stories about how he landed on these exact same beaches when he served in the War.”

The Allied casualties figures for D-Day have generally been estimated at 10,000, including 2,500 who lost their lives. Broken down by nationality, the D-Day casualty figures are approximately 2,700 British, 946 Canadians, and 6,603 Americans, according to the Telegraph.

Skidmore’s Grotesque misrepresentation of the image and lack of empathy for the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country is a painful realization into her ongoing and relentless dirty campaign tactics.

This leaves voters questioning  Skidmore’s values and judgement as we move into the election for Florida State House District 81 on Tuesday, August 18th.


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