While making a living on YouTube is far from being a new phenomenon, the accelerated growth of new channels popping up daily is nothing short of fanciful. But with this growth comes lofty expectations and an inability to be consistent when it comes to pumping out content.

What if you were indeed interested in making extra profits by creating your own YouTube channel? Where would you start? What might you cover in terms of content? Do you really think you have what it takes to make this project a success?

This is where one might benefit from an expert or someone who has a proven track record of doing YouTube right. Welcome social media marketer Caleb Boxx (@calebboxx) to the stage. At 19 years of age, Caleb has built several YouTube channels that accumulates to over 3 million subscribers and 400 million views.

Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Caleb started his endeavor by dropping out of high school at the age of 16 years old. With the backing of his father, for which there were lengthy discussions on exactly how Caleb would proceed, the wheels were set in motion. “He showed me work ethic and the competitive edge of business. He gave me a shot, and that’s all I needed,” explains Caleb on the importance of his father in the early stage of beginning his YouTube business.

With a negative connotation of dropping out of school, Caleb had this to say in a recent sit-down interview. “Many people believe dropping out of school is a bad idea. But to be honest, there’s hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who all dropped out. So it doesn’t define your future success if you drop out. I believe people should only go to school (college) if they truly want to become the thing they are getting the degree for.”

The success that Caleb is teaching these days did not come without constant focus and long days of work. It also could not have been possible without help from others. Caleb emphasizes that mentors and a team around him was extremely important for his overall success. “The moment that made me realize taking the path of a video creator paid off was when I saw the other successful YouTube stars around me, who were my mentors and in my close friend circle, started to get huge success and make 6-figures in a single month from YouTube. That got me hooked to try to get to that point one day.”

And Caleb has gotten to that point and beyond. His videos are teaching other hungry media creators about YouTube Automation, how to maintain tunnel focus, and how it important it is to not work harder per say but to work smarter.

Caleb has also created a YouTube Automation Academy at https://courses.automateyt.com/. This academy teaches how to start, grow, and monetize a highly profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch. As the website states, “It doesn’t matter if you have any tech skills or any previous business experience. We will teach you everything you need to know!”

Caleb has had big plans since launching down his career path at 16 years old. He not only is a leader on starting and managing a successful, 6-digit per month media empire but he is an innovator in a business that continues to evolve.

Check out Caleb Boxx’s YouTube channel by clicking here.


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Nick Guli is a writer at Explosion.com. He loves movies, TV shows and video games. Nick brings you the latest news, reviews and features. From blockbusters to indie darlings, he’s got his take on the trends, fan theories and industry news. His writing and coverage is the perfect place for entertainment fans and gamers to stay up to date on what’s new and what’s next.
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