In 2010 alone, more than 69,000 criminal appeals were resolved throughout the United States. When a person faces criminal charges and wishes to appeal a previous verdict, they don’t want to go it alone. Instead, it’s highly preferred to work with a criminal defense lawyer.

A criminal defense lawyer in Orlando helps their clients navigate the confusing legal system, whether initially or during the appeal process (or both). When a person faces criminal charges, there’s a lot at stake. Consequences for criminal charges include jail time, fees, and a loss of future employment opportunities.

Cost, of course, is always a significant consideration. How much does it cost to hire a criminal defense lawyer? Continue reading to learn everything you need to know.

Costs Vary Based on Numerous Factors

Since no two criminal cases are the same, the costs are highly individualized. The fees associated with hiring your criminal defense lawyer will be based on numerous factors. More information can be found at the Khonsari Law Group.

A few of the most significant considerations include:

  • The severity of the criminal charges you’re facing
  • The experience of the attorney you hope to hire
  • The complexity of your case
  • Whether the case goes to trial or settles out of court

Since there are so many things that need to be considered, you must discuss costs with your criminal defense attorney before signing a contract. This way, you’ll know what to expect ahead of time.

Total Costs Generally Based on Hourly Fees

Although some attorneys charge flat fees, this is rare. Flat fee rates are usually assigned to specific criminal charges that are simple and require limited time from the attorney. Most criminal cases will be billed based on the number of hours spent on your case.

The considerations listed above will be used to determine an hourly rate for your case. The hours invested into a case will go towards many different things.

Hours invested might include consultation times and meetings with police or another person’s attorney. Hours invested also include research time, phone calls made on your behalf, and more. You can continue reading at this website.

What You Can Expect to Pay per Hour

Although every criminal defense lawyer is different, most charge anywhere between $150 and $700 per hour. The average hourly fees fall somewhere in the middle of this broad estimate.

The number of hours invested in your case will significantly affect how much your total costs amount to. Simple cases can take as little as five invested hours, while complex issues can take a hundred or more invested hours. Your attorney can give you a general idea of how many hours to expect, but remember this number can vary significantly if something unexpected arises in your case.

Do You Have More Questions About the Costs of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

The total costs of hiring an attorney for your criminal defense case will vary greatly. Fees are usually charged based on an hourly rate, but some attorneys charge flat fees for straightforward, quick cases.

Do you have more questions about the costs of hiring a criminal defense lawyer?

Check out our other blog posts. You’ll find a multitude of posts on closely-related subjects to help you gain a deeper understanding on the topic.


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Uzair Nadeem

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