Become a Nightstalker: Obtaining Destiny 2’s Assassin’s Cowl Exotic

3 min

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In the gaming world of Destiny 2, the Assassin’s Cowl is a much-coveted exotic helmet for Hunters. The helmet’s unique features and benefits make it a top-tier choice for enhanced character survivability and power. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed walkthrough on how to obtain the Assassin’s Cowl in Destiny 2.

The Assassin’s Cowl: An Overview

Assassin’s Cowl is a distinctive Hunter Exotic that works seamlessly across all three Hunter subclasses, thereby offering game-changing build potential. This melee-focused exotic helmet is one of the top choices for Hunter survivability in Destiny 2. With the recent rework of all three Light subclasses, the Assassin’s Cowl has gained even more benefits when creating a melee-focused build.

Unique Features: Vanishing Execution

The Assassin’s Cowl’s unique perk, known as Vanishing Execution, augments the Hunter’s powered melee ability. This perk enables the player to turn invisible on final blows while simultaneously restoring a portion of health and shields.

  • Vanishing Execution: Powered melee final blows grant invisibility and restore a portion of health and shields. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the duration of invisibility and the amount of health and shields restored

When is the Best Time to Use Assassin’s Cowl?

The Assassin’s Cowl serves as a potent choice in all levels of content in Destiny 2. In activities such as strikes, chaining a powered melee kill is easier, enabling the maintenance of health and shield recharge paired with invisibility uptime. In endgame activities, the focus should be on leveraging Assassin’s Cowl’s survivability aspect to dominate the arena.

How can You Obtain Assassin’s Cowl?

Acquiring the Assassin’s Cowl involves several methods, including completing specific missions and tasks or from random engram drops from defeating enemies.

Completion of the Shadowkeep Campaign

Completing the Shadowkeep campaign is the initial prerequisite to obtaining the Assassin’s Cowl. After finishing the campaign, a visit to Ikora Rey in the Tower is necessary, where a standard 48 roll of the Assassin’s Cowl will be awarded. Although this roll may not be the best, it will successfully add the Assassin’s Cowl to your loot pool for future Exotic engrams.

World Drops and Exotic Engrams

The Assassin’s Cowl can also be obtained as a world drop from completing activities. These drops have a slight chance of yielding an Exotic piece. Following the initial acquisition through the Shadowkeep campaign, the Assassin’s Cowl becomes a possible reward from Exotic engrams.

Chests in the Garden of Salvation Raid

Opening chests in the Garden of Salvation Raid in the Shadowkeep expansion also provides a chance to acquire the Assassin’s Cowl. All chests in this raid are classified as “exotic chests,” meaning they have a higher probability of dropping an Exotic item than normal chests, although the chances are still relatively rare.

Nightfall The Ordeal

Completing Nightfall The Ordeal will also yield exotic gear, possibly including the Assassin’s Cowl. However, the specifics of how this system works are somewhat unclear.

Agent of the Nine, Xur

The Assassin’s Cowl can also be purchased from Xur, the Agent of the Nine, who sells a random selection of Exotic items each week.

How to Optimize your Build with Assassin’s Cowl

Assassin’s Cowl is most effective when paired with specific subclasses and abilities. Gambler’s Dodge should be the selected Class Ability for both Arc and Solar subclasses, while Combination Blow for the Arc melee and Weighted Throwing Knife in Solar provide the strongest options.

Arc 3.0 Setup

For Arc, Aspects to use are Flow State and Lethal Current, while the ideal Fragments are Spark of Resistance, Spark of Volts, Spark of Amplitude, and Spark of Beacons. This combination pushes the uptime of being Amplified, which then feeds into your Element Wells and Sparks of Amplitude, leading to the creation of Orbs of Power when rapidly defeating enemies.

Solar 3.0 Setup

For Solar, Aspects to equip are On Your Mark and Knock ‘Em Down, while the Fragments to use are Ember of Torches, Ember of Char, Ember of Singeing, Ember of Searing and Ember of Combustion. This combination boosts Strength, Recovery and Discipline while ensuring constant gain of Solar subclass bonuses from melee attack landing on targets.

The Lore Behind Assassin’s Cowl

The Assassin’s Cowl carries a rich lore that adds to its allure. The lore speaks of the solitary paths of Hunters, their shared traditions, stories, and secrets. It paints a picture of the unseen, unnamed, and unsung heroes of the game, known only through the glint of metal and the echo of a falling enemy.

“There are many Hunters who are unsung heroes. Many are unnamed. Many are known only by a glint of metal half a mile away and the crack that echoes across the canyon after their enemy falls. Others are known only by a muffled cry and the flash of a knife in the dark.

“Warlocks and Titans have their orders, but that is not our way. Hunters walk apart, separate from each other as much as from other Guardians. That is our way.

“And yet we share traditions. We share stories. We share… secrets.

“Killing is a dangerous and dirty business, be it from as far as an angel’s perch or as close as a lover’s embrace.

“When you get close, you need something like this.

“Unsung. Unnamed. Unseen.

“Remember these words. Repeat them to whoever follows you.”

–Words of an unidentified Hunter, overheard as the Assassin’s Cowl was passed to another unidentified Hunter


The Assassin’s Cowl offers an approach that enhances the neutral game for Arc and Solar, while also adding extra survivability to more aggressive play. For more Exotic armor breakdowns and guide content, be sure to check out the Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide.

Now that you know how to get Assassin’s Cowl in Destiny 2, it’s time to dive back into the game and start working towards acquiring this game-changing Exotic helmet. Your journey to becoming the ultimate Hunter in Destiny 2 starts now. Happy gaming!


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