In the quest for survival within the captivating game world of Medieval Dynasty, straw is an indispensable resource. Whether you’re erecting your first humble home or crafting essential items, knowing how to get straw in Medieval Dynasty is vital. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various methods and Medieval dynasty straw location, and how to find this sought-after resource.

A Brief Overview

In the early stages of Medieval Dynasty, gathering straw can be a challenging task. Unlike other resources such as wood or stone, straw is not found just lying around. It requires keen observation and a little bit of knowledge about where to look.

The Role of Straw in Medieval Dynasty

Straw serves a crucial role in the game. Primarily, it is used to build thatched roofs for your buildings. Without it, your construction efforts will come to a standstill. Apart from being a construction material, it also plays a part in crafting items such as:

  • Animal Feed
  • Daub
  • Flat Straw Hat
  • Simple Torch
  • Straw Hat

Knowing how to get straw in Medieval Dynasty is the first step towards establishing your own village.

Locating Straw in the Wild

The most common method of acquiring straw is by harvesting reeds. These can be found alongside the larger rivers in the game. They are smaller than the Cattail plants and may seem like regular grass at a glance.

So, take a stroll by the riverside and keep an eye out for these reeds. The best part is that straw is relatively light, allowing you to carry hundreds of pieces without worrying about overburdening yourself.

Purchasing Straw from Vendors

If you’ve exhausted all the reeds near the river and are in dire need of straw, you have the option to buy it from a Farmer vendor. These vendors can be found in Rolnica, Gostovia, or Denica. However, this method comes with a cost of 0.3 Coins per piece.

While this may be the quickest option for players, it is less ideal than collecting straw from the wild, which costs you nothing.

Farming for Straw

As you progress in the game and start farming, straw becomes a byproduct of your efforts. When you grow grain-type plants like Wheat or Oat, you can thresh them in the Barn to obtain straw. As a result, farmers that produce Oat Grains, Rye Grains, and Wheat Grains will also produce straw.

Farming not only provides an abundant supply of straw but also adds value to your grains. So, either you can do the threshing, or assign a villager to do it for you.

Acquiring Straw through Stealth

While it’s a bit risky, another way to acquire straw is by stealing from the villagers. This method involves approaching open straws in the village and holding down the “E” key.

But be warned, this method can tarnish your reputation if a villager catches you in the act. So, if you decide to go down this path, make sure no one sees you.

Building a Barn for Straw

In the later stages of the game, you have the option to build a barn and craft a threshing floor to produce straw. While this method requires some progress in the game, it’s a sustainable way of acquiring straw in the long run.


Straw may seem like a trivial resource at first glance, but its importance in Medieval Dynasty is unquestionable. Whether you’re building a house, crafting items, or even feeding your animals, straw is a resource you’ll always need.

Understanding how to get straw in Medieval Dynasty will not only make your game progress smoother but also increase your chances of survival in the medieval world. So, whether you choose to gather it from the wild, buy it from a vendor, farm it, or even steal it, remember that straw is the key to your success in the game.


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