In the lauded game Star Wars Jedi Survivor, players embark on an epic adventure across the galaxy, encountering various challenging locales and puzzles. One such location is the Moldy Depths beneath Harvest Ridge, a challenging environment that players need to navigate to progress in the game. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough on how to get out of moldy depths. Let’s dive in!

Context: The Moldy Depths

The Moldy Depths is a cavernous area tucked beneath Harvest Ridge in the Rambler’s Reach region of Koboh. It’s a fascinating but puzzle-ridden location that can test the mettle of even the most seasoned players. It’s also the gateway to the Harvest Ridge Meditation Point, a coveted destination for players seeking to earn the King of the World trophy or achievement.

The game Star Wars Jedi Survivor follows the story of Cal Kestis. He is the main protagonist.

However, the Moldy Depths also presents a unique challenge: a seemingly impenetrable Moldy Depths door that leaves many players scratching their heads.

The Moldy Depths: A Door Puzzle

Upon reaching the Moldy Depths, players are greeted with a door puzzle. This door, much like the one used to enter the Moldy Depths, has a device attached to it. Players can easily open the door using the Force Pull on the device, but without a socket to place the device in, the door will close as soon as the player lets go. It’s a conundrum that has left many Jedi Knights stumped.

How to Open the Door Puzzle

The key to getting past this tricky Moldy Depths door lies in utilizing the game’s creatures. Specifically, the Nekkos found within the Moldy Depths. These creatures can’t climb vines, but they can pass through the door, making them instrumental in solving the door puzzle.

To start, players need to explore the cave to find a Nekko. After finding one, they should use the Tame feature to gain the Nekko’s trust. Next, they should ride the Nekko to the other side of the stubborn door.

After dismounting the Nekko, players need to backtrack to the door’s device. Using the Force Pull, they should open the door and quickly use the Tame feature to call the Nekko through. With the Nekko on the right side of the door, players are ready for the final part of the puzzle.

Escaping the Moldy Depths

With the Nekko on the correct side of the door, players can now use it to make a double jump towards the high ledge opposite the slippery slope. This ledge is the exit out of the Moldy Depths, but reaching it requires some dexterity.

By mounting the Nekko and using its ability to super jump, players can reach the climbable wall of the ledge. From there, it’s a matter of using the climbable walls and vines to make their way out of the Moldy Depths.

Beyond the Moldy Depths

Emerging from the Moldy Depths, players will find themselves above the area where they first entered. This high vantage point offers a unique opportunity to explore the surrounding area. It’s the only way to reach the Harvest Ridge area and the meditation point, so players should take this chance to explore thoroughly.

Players should also look for a Nekko barn nearby. After dealing with a few droids and a raider, they can use the Nekkos and an elevator inside the barn to reach a perk slot upgrade and the meditation point above.


The Moldy Depths, while challenging, is an exciting part of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Learning how to get out of moldy depths may require some trial and error, but with this guide and a keen sense of adventure, players should be able to navigate their way out and continue their journey across the galaxy.

Remember, in every challenging situation, there’s always a way out. Sometimes, it might require a little creativity, a bit of patience, and the help of a friendly Nekko. Enjoy the game with the fan favorite Cal Kestis. Happy gaming and may the Force be with you!


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