From Wood to Legendary: Crafting Swords for Every Playstyle in Minecraft

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In the thrilling world of Minecraft, a sword is an essential weapon that every player must possess. Swords provide a swift attack speed, making them a preferable choice over other weapons. This guide will walk you through the process of crafting a sword in Minecraft, including all the various sword types available.

At the end, you will know how to make a sword in Minecraft. And then, we can also talk about sword enchantment, making your sword more powerful and being able to deal more damage.

A Brief Overview of Swords in Minecraft

Before we delve into the crafting process, let’s take a moment to understand the different types of swords available in Minecraft. Each type of sword requires basic materials that you can find within the game, making crafting a challenge, but an exciting one!

Crafting a sword will increase your melee damage, and improve your Minecraft experience.

Types of Swords in Minecraft

There are six distinct types of swords in Minecraft. Each requires unique materials for crafting:

  1. Wooden Sword
  2. Stone Sword
  3. Iron Sword
  4. Gold Sword
  5. Diamond Sword
  6. Netherite Sword

Let’s examine each of these swords, starting with the most basic, the Wooden Sword.

Crafting a Wooden Sword

The Wooden Sword is the most basic of all Minecraft swords. Crafting a Wooden Sword is quite simple and requires wooden planks and a stick.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting a Wooden Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 2 Wooden Planks
  • 1 Stick

Note: Any type of wooden planks can be used, including oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, bamboo, crimson, warped, or cherry planks.

Crafting Process

To craft a Wooden Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 stick in the bottom-center square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 wooden plank in the center square and another in the top-center square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Wooden Sword will appear in the result box of the crafting table. Simply move this to your inventory, and voila! You now have a Wooden Sword.

Crafting a Stone Sword

The Stone Sword is a significant upgrade from the Wooden Sword. It requires cobblestones instead of wooden planks.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting a Stone Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 2 Cobblestones
  • 1 Stick

Crafting Process

To craft a Stone Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 stick in the bottom-center square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 cobblestone in the center square and another in the top-center square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Stone Sword will appear in the result box of the crafting table. Simply move this to your inventory, and you now have a Stone Sword.

Crafting an Iron Sword

The Iron Sword is even stronger and more durable than the Stone Sword. It requires iron ingots instead of cobblestones.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting an Iron Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 2 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Stick

Crafting Process

To craft an Iron Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 stick in the bottom-center square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 iron ingot in the center square and another in the top-center square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Iron Sword will appear in the result box of the crafting table. Simply move this to your inventory, and you now have an Iron Sword.

Crafting a Gold Sword

The Gold Sword is not as strong as the Iron Sword, but it has a higher enchantability, making it useful in certain situations. It requires gold ingots instead of iron ingots.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting a Gold Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 2 Gold Ingots
  • 1 Stick

Crafting Process

To craft a Gold Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 stick in the bottom-center square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 gold ingot in the center square and another in the top-center square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Gold Sword will appear in the result box of the crafting table. Simply move this to your inventory, and you now have a Gold Sword.

Crafting a Diamond Sword

The Diamond Sword is one of the most potent swords in Minecraft. It requires diamonds instead of gold ingots.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting a Diamond Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 2 Diamonds
  • 1 Stick

Crafting Process

To craft a Diamond Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 stick in the bottom-center square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 diamond in the center square and another in the top-center square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Diamond Sword will appear in the result box of the crafting table. Simply move this to your inventory, and you now have a Diamond Sword.

Crafting a Netherite Sword

The Netherite Sword is the strongest sword in Minecraft. Crafting a Netherite Sword requires a Diamond Sword and a Netherite Ingot.

Materials Required

The necessary materials for crafting a Netherite Sword in Minecraft include:

  • 1 Diamond Sword
  • 1 Netherite Ingot

Crafting Process

To craft a Netherite Sword, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your smithing table to access the 2×1 crafting grid
  2. Place 1 Diamond Sword in the left square of the crafting grid
  3. Place 1 Netherite Ingot in the right square

Once you’ve arranged the materials in the correct pattern, the Netherite Sword will appear in the result box of the smithing table. Simply move this to your inventory, and you now have a Netherite Sword.


Crafting a sword in Minecraft requires gathering the right materials and arranging them correctly on the crafting table or smithing table. From the basic Wooden Sword to the mighty Netherite Sword, this guide has covered how to craft every type of sword in Minecraft. With the right materials and a bit of patience, you can arm yourself with one of these powerful weapons and enjoy your adventures in the Minecraft world. And then, with sword enchantment, you can deal even more damage.

Hopefully, our guide helped you understand how to make a sword in Minecraft world.


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