Revive and Restore: Healing Strategies for Pokemon Go Trainers

2 min

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Keeping your Pokemon in top shape as you venture through the augmented reality world of Pokemon Go is crucial for any trainer. This comprehensive guide will shed light on the process of healing your Pokemon and reviving them when necessary.

Introduction: The Importance of Healing

In the wild world of Pokemon Go, you’re bound to encounter situations where your Pokemon’s health decreases. Whether it’s a fierce gym battle, an intense raid, or a random encounter, keeping your Pokemon in a healthy state is paramount. Knowing how to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go will ensure you’re always ready for the next challenge.

Healing is a basic concept in all video games. There are always regular potions that you can use to get your health back to normal.

The Basics: Understanding the Healing System

Unlike traditional Pokemon games, Pokemon Go lacks Pokemon Centers to heal your injured Pokemon. Instead, the game relies on items like Potions and Revives to restore health and bring back fainted Pokemon. Understanding how these items work is the first step in learning how to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Potions: The Healing Elixir

Potions are the primary healing items in Pokemon Go. They come in four types, each restoring a different amount of health:

  1. Potion: Restores 20 HP
  2. Super Potion: Restores 50 HP
  3. Hyper Potion: Restores 200 HP
  4. Max Potion: Fully restores a Pokemon’s HP

Revives: Bring Back the Fallen

Revives are a boon for Pokemon that have lost all their HP in a battle and have fainted. They come in two variants:

  1. Revive: Revives a fainted Pokemon and restores 50% of its HP
  2. Max Revive: Revives a fainted Pokemon, fully restoring its HP

Acquiring Healing Items: How to Stock Up

Now that you know what items you need to heal your Pokemon, the question is, where do you get them? Here are the primary means to obtain Potions and Revives in Pokemon Go:

  1. Leveling up: As you progress in the game and level up, you’re often rewarded with a variety of items, including Potions and Revives
  2. Spinning PokeStops and Gyms: These in-game landmarks offer a chance to acquire a variety of items, including healing items
  3. In-game store: You can purchase bundles of Max Potions and Max Revives using Pokecoins, the in-game currency
  4. Defeating Raid Bosses: Winning a raid battle often rewards you with a mix of items, including Revives
  5. Field Research Tasks: Completing these tasks can also yield Potions and Revives
  6. Opening Gifts: Sent by your in-game friends, these gifts often contain a mix of items, including Potions and Revives


How to Heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you’ve gathered your healing items, it’s time to put them to use. Follow these steps to heal or revive your Pokemon:

  1. Open Pokemon Go and tap on the Pokeball icon at the center of your screen to access the main menu
  2. Tap on the ‘Items’ icon to open your Bag
  3. Scroll through your inventory until you find the Potion or Revive you want to use
  4. Select the item, and a list of Pokemon that can benefit from it will appear
  5. Select the Pokemon you want to heal or revive

Pro Tips: Making the Most of Your Healing Items

Knowing how to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go is just part of the equation. Here are a few tips to make the most of your healing item:

  1. Prioritize your Pokemon: Use your Potions and Revives on the Pokemon that are most essential to your team
  2. Maximize the effect: Use a healing item like a Max Potion and a Hyper Potion for your strongest Pokemon with the highest HP. For Pokemon with lower HP, regular Potions and Super Potions will suffice
  3. Stock up: Regularly spin PokeStops and Gyms, complete Field Research tasks, and open gifts to ensure you always have a good supply of healing items


Knowing how to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go is crucial for Pokemon trainers in higher level play. By understanding how to acquire and use regular potions and Revives, you’ll ensure that your Pokemon are always ready for the next battle. Whether you’re spinning PokeStops, leveling up, or opening gifts, remember to keep your healing items stocked up. After all, a healthy Pokemon is a happy Pokemon!


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