5 Essential Latte Art Techniques Every Barista Should Know

2 min

person holding coffee with latte cup

As a barista, one of the best parts of the job is transforming a simple cup of coffee into a beautiful work of art. Latte art is a fun way to impress customers and take your espresso creations to the next level. It does require practice, but mastering a few key techniques can help any barista become a latte artist. Here’s a breakdown of 5 essential latte art skills every barista should know:

1. Pouring the milk correctly

This is the foundation of creating any latte art. You want to pour the steamed milk slowly and steadily into the espresso. Keep the spout close to the surface as you pour to control the flow. Pouring too high creates bubbles and mixes the layers together instead of a layered effect. Ideally you want to pour in a consistent motion – don’t move the pitcher around or wiggle as you pour. If you want to become an expert barista, enroll latte art training courses by Axil Coffee.

2. Steaming the milk to the right texture

Microfoam is key for latte art. You want to steam the milk until it takes on a glossy, velvety texture. The goal is to incorporate small, even air bubbles throughout the milk. 2% or whole milk creates better foam compared to non-fat or almond milk. Steaming the milk well takes some practice to master.

3. Etching a design on the crema

Many latte art designs start with “etching” a pattern on the crema of the espresso shot. You can swirl the cup gently back and forth to carve a heart, leaf, rosetta or other design on the surface of the crema before you pour the steamed milk. Etching adds extra flair and definition to the finished latte art.

4. Free pouring basic designs

Start with free pouring the most popular latte art designs like hearts and rosettas. Keep a slow, steady pour while gradually raising the pitcher to create contrasting layers of foam and milk. Try sinking the stream down on one side to shape the heart. For rosettas, pipe a stem down the middle to spread the layers out into a flower design.

5. Attempting the tulip and swan

Two advanced latte designs to try once you’ve mastered the basics are tulips and swans. Tulips require fast, aggressive pouring to create “wings” on either side of a center crease. Swans are hardest – pour quickly into the crease for the swan’s neck, then raise the pitcher for the body and wings. Don’t get discouraged if these take some time to perfect!

A few pro tips: Always use fresh espresso for the base. Tap the pitcher on the counter before pouring to eliminate bubbles. Pour with confidence and keep practicing. Record yourself making the art to see where improvements can be made. Latte art is equal parts skill, technique, and creativity.

While latte art requires patience and persistence to master, it’s a fun creative outlet. Customers love snapping pics of their beautiful custom lattes. The look of satisfaction when you perfectly pour a swan or heart design is so fulfilling. Elevate your barista skills and become known for your latte art at work. Just takes some steam time, a steady pour, and a willingness to experiment. Artistic coffee creations can brighten anyone’s day and make your barista role that much more enjoyable. Now get out there and start pouring! Just remember – if the first attempt doesn’t work, the milk’s still good so you can try etching and pouring again.


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