Survival Essentials: A Trainer’s Guide to Collecting Revives in Pokemon Go

3 min

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In the dynamic world of Pokemon Go, it’s not unusual for your brave fighters to succumb to the rigors of battle. Therefore, having a steady supply of revives is crucial for maintaining a healthy roster of combat-ready Pokemon. This guide will walk you through the various methods on how to get revives in Pokemon Go, ensuring that your team never falls short in the heat of combat.

Understanding Revives in Pokemon Go

Before we delve into how to get revives in Pokemon Go, it’s essential to understand what they are and their importance in the game. Revives are crucial items that can bring your fainted Pokemon back to life, restoring half of their health. However, if you’re lucky enough to possess a max revive, it can rejuvenate your fallen Pokemon back to full health.

The Significance of Leveling Up

Leveling up your profile in Pokemon Go is one of the most effective ways to get a steady supply of revives. As you progress through the levels, you’ll be rewarded with a variety of items, one of which is the handy revive.

  • Levels 5 to 29: During these levels, you’ll receive regular revives as a reward
  • Levels 30 to 40: Once you hit the 30th level, you’ll start to receive max revives as level-up rewards

Therefore, the higher you level up, the more revives you’ll obtain, ensuring that your Pokemon are always ready for the next battle.

Conquering Raid Bosses

Battling and defeating a Raid boss is another excellent method for obtaining revives. While these battles can be daunting and often result in your Pokemon fainting, the rewards can be well worth the effort. Depending on the strength of the Raid, you can receive up to 12 revives, making it a lucrative option for stocking up on these vital items.

Harnessing the Power of PokeStops and Gyms

Spinning the Photo Disc at PokeStops and Gyms is another tried and tested method of how to get revives in Pokemon Go. These locations offer a variety of items, including revives. While the drop is random, consistent spinning can increase your chances of obtaining revives.

Making the Most of Research Tasks

Pokemon Go offers a variety of Research Tasks that you can complete for rewards. For example, a field research task. Some tasks may offer revives as rewards, making them another viable option to consider. Be sure to check your available tasks and prioritize those that offer revives as rewards.

You can also use potions like max potion, hyper potion, and super potion to heal your POkemon.

Opening Gifts: A Pleasure That Pays

Opening gifts from friends is another excellent method of obtaining revives. These gifts contain a variety of items, including revives, making them a valuable source. Remember, you can open up to 30 gifts in a day, so ensure that you make the most of this opportunity.

Leveling Up: The Ultimate Revive Source

Leveling up in Pokemon Go is a surefire way of obtaining revives. As you ascend through the levels, you will be rewarded with a variety of items, including the much-needed revives. Regular revives are given between Levels 5-29, while max revives are awarded between Levels 30-40. So, keep playing, keep leveling, and keep reviving!

Raid and Conquer

Raid battles are among the most challenging and rewarding aspects of Pokemon Go. Upon defeating a Raid boss, you can earn numerous items, including revives. Although these battles often result in your Pokemon fainting, the return on investment is usually positive as the number of revives gained often outweigh the number of Pokemon that fainted.

Spin and Win at PokeStops and Gyms

PokeStops and Gyms are integral parts of the Pokemon Go landscape. Spinning the Photo Discs at these locations can yield a variety of items, including revives. Although the drop is random, persistence can pay off, and revives can be gathered over time.

The Gift of Giving

In Pokemon Go, the adage ‘it is better to give than to receive’ rings true, especially when it comes to obtaining revives. Sending gifts to friends can often result in them reciprocating. The gifts received can contain a variety of items, including revives, making this a social and effective way of obtaining revives.

Research, Reward, Revive

Pokemon Go offers a wide range of Research Tasks that, when completed, offer a variety of rewards. Some of these tasks reward Pokemon Go players with revives, making them an attractive option for players looking for revives.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to obtain revives in Pokemon Go. Whether it’s through leveling up, spinning discs at PokeStops and Gyms, completing Research Tasks, or opening gifts, there’s always a way to keep your Pokemon ready for battle. So, keep playing, keep reviving, and keep conquering the world of Pokemon Go!


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