5 Tips to Help You Prepare for an Executive Role in Logistics Operations

3 min

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So, you’re ready to take your logistics career to the next level?

Whether an executive role is right around the corner or you want to pave the way for a c-level position years down the road, it takes preparation. Leading a company and its employees is hard work, especially if you’re in the logistics industry. But, before you can even do the work, you have to be able to demonstrate that you are capable of doing the hard work once you’re hired.

That means preparing well ahead of time for the role you want—not the role you’re currently in.

Here are 5 tips that will not only help you prepare for an executive role in logistics operations, but they will also help you demonstrate your expertise, your drive, and your abilities when you’re finally ready to turn in your application.

Develop Your Skills

The first thing to do is to develop your skills. That means brushing up on any training or certifications, as well as learning how to do the day-to-day work, like managing inventories and coordinating safe, legal transportation.

But, as a c-suite executive, softer skills matter more than technical know-how.

A few social skills you’ll want to work on include:

  • Being a good communicator
  • Being a good collaborator
  • Demonstrating good leadership skills
  • Demonstrating good problem solving skills

Work on Your Resume

Not only do you have to develop your skills, you have to be able to demonstrate your knowledge and practice of those skills.

That’s where your resume comes in.

But, resumes look different and sound different, depending on the industry you work in. Looking at 5 amazing logistics executive resume examples can be extremely helpful. They can help you see how your resume should be laid out, but they can also help you see what kinds of things to include, and what kinds of phrasing to use.

Go the Extra Mile

If you want to reach the level of a logistics executive, you have to demonstrate that you’re willing to go the extra mile.

That means actively looking for ways to serve others. You might take on an extra work responsibility to help out your team or volunteer to be part of a new project. You could join a committee, or even volunteer to clean the breakroom.

By going the extra mile and finding ways to serve others, you demonstrate your ability to be a servant leader, which is an important trait of 21st century executives.

Lean Into Your Strengths and Know Your Weaknesses

Know what you’re good at and lean into your strengths at work. It’s an easy way to get noticed and demonstrate your abilities.

But, you also have to know your weaknesses.

Your weaknesses are actually strengths in disguise. They allow you to open yourself up to feedback and improvement when you know exactly what you need to improve.

It can be hard to admit that you aren’t good at something, but by being upfront about your shortcomings, you demonstrate your willingness to learn, evolve, and improve.

Not to mention, it also allows you to demonstrate a little humility. Others will be more willing to open up to you about their own weaknesses, providing you with the opportunity to support others around you as they support you.

Find a Mentor

The right mentor can fast-track your career. They can help you grow professionally, provide you with much-needed support throughout your career, and they can help you get the promotion you’re seeking.

But, how do you find the right mentor?

Start by asking yourself who you look up to in the logistics space. Is this person in your existing network? If not, is there someone in your existing network with a similar skillset and experience that you could ask instead?

Then, think about the kind of support you need. Knowing your weaknesses comes in handy with this one. You should keep your goals top-of-mind too.

Who do you know that excels in areas you could use support in? Do they have an extended network you would like to be able to tap into? Or maybe they started in the same position you’re in and you want to know exactly how they worked their way up the ladder?

Getting hired in a leadership position in logistics operations isn’t something that happens overnight. Don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than you expected. But, with the tips on this list, you can slowly position yourself as the leader you want to be so you can someday land that coveted executive role.


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