Common Plumbing Issues to Watch For

2 min

person opening faucet

When you think of plumbing problems, there’s a good chance that your mind first goes to clogged toilets. Quite likely, clogged toilets are the most common issue for many households and families. That said, there are many other common plumbing problems, including some that you may fail to notice or may not even recognize as being much of a problem at all. You’ll want to keep your eye out for common issues, and when they do arise, it’s smart to get in touch with plumbing repair services right away.

Plumbing systems are immensely complex, so there’s a lot you need to keep your eye on. Further, it’s wise to address problems as quickly as possible. Failure to intervene could leave your home and family exposed to serious risks. In the long run, damage to your home or rising water and sewage utility bills could be quite a burden. Often, professional plumbing services pay for themselves by protecting your property and helping keep utility bills in line.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common plumbing issues you’re likely to encounter. Of course, you may experience less common problems as well. Either way, if you think you need to speak with a plumber, then you should reach out right away.

Running Toilets

A running toilet is something some people will overlook. You might hear the toilet and notice that water is flowing even though you’re not flushing it. That’s not really a big deal though, right? Wrong! While a running toilet may seem relatively innocuous, it could actually have a big impact on your wallet.

Running toilets can waste thousands of gallons of water. Yes, thousands. A single-running toilet could waste up to 200 gallons of water per day. This means that you could lose over a thousand dollars within a year. Fortunately, fixing a running toilet is often quite affordable.

Leaking Faucets

Leaking faucets can be quite a nuisance. The constant dripping may drive you crazy. This is especially true if your bedroom bathroom faucet is dripping, and you’re trying to sleep. A dripping faucet can also run up your water and sewer bills. While leaking faucets often aren’t as expensive of an issue as a running toilet, they could still cost you hundreds of dollars per year. Even a very slow leak could easily cost you $20 or more per year.

Besides running up your utility bill, leaking faucets might cause water damage and other issues. As with running toilets, fixing a leaking faucet is often quite affordable. As such, you should contact a plumber if your faucet is dripping.

Broken or Leaking Pipes

A broken or leaking pipe could be a serious risk. Not only could the leak dramatically increase your monthly bills, but it could also cause immense amounts of water damage. Water can quickly damage drywall, wood framing, furniture, electronics, flooring, and even the foundation of your home, among other things. Many people don’t even realize that a pipe is leaking until it causes a lot of damage. Then they’re stuck with hefty repair and replacement bills.

A leaking pipe can also waste hundreds of dollars in water in a single month. As such, it’s crucial to call in a professional plumbing service right away if you think a pipe is leaking or damaged. Inside the home, you may notice water damage. Outside, you may see particularly lush patches in your yard. This may be because of leaking water or sewer pipes. Either way, get in touch with plumbers ASAP.

Check out Inner City Plumbing if you are interested in finding plumbers in Melbourne.

Clogged Toilets and Drains

We saved perhaps the most familiar problem for last. You’ll almost certainly face a clogged toilet or drain at some point. You might try to unclog the toilet or drain yourself, but keep in mind that if you go about it wrong, you could turn a small issue into a big problem. If your toilet is jammed up, it’s often best to call in plumbing professionals. Ditto for drains.

If you’re constantly suffering jams and clogs, it’s smart to chat with a plumber. It may be possible to implement lasting solutions, like replacing a pipe or toilet. In the long run, this could save you a lot of money and hassles.


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