How Many Views Do You Require to Go Viral on TikTok?

4 min

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Getting viral on TikTok means becoming a global trendsetter. TikTok has become the no.1 platform for content creators – it also ignited the flame of content creation in people who never knew it was in them. Everyone wants to know how to go viral on TikTok; speaking the truth, no one exactly knows how the app’s virality algorithm works.

Several likes serve as a compass towards online fame and success. We have seen two situations on TikTok concerning virality: 1) TikTok instantly boosts a video, and 2) One has to struggle a lot to be seen. If you are a content creator and want to go viral on the platform, keep reading to understand how many likes it takes to go viral on TikTok.

Decoding TikTok’s Algorithm

person holding white smartphone taking photo of woman wearing blue jeans

Having hundreds and thousands of likes on TikTok may not get you viral. TikTok’s virality algorithm is not only based on the number of likes on TikTok; it is far more complex. Even a few likes on TikTok can make your video go viral. Just like every other platform, engagement fuels all TikTok videos.

TikTok is all about the user’s personalization. The platform’s algorithm is based on user’s interactions, behaviors, and preferences. This means you can either make a video on a mixed niche or stick to a specific one. Just likes won’t get your account in the top searches; your videos have to have a good number of comments and shares as well.

TikTok’s algorithm cannot be deciphered entirely because it is an app that uses neuro-scientific programs to understand the user’s preferences. Plus, the user’s preferences can change at any time. We can only keep experimenting with video content based on quality and type. It’s only about time; once you go viral on TikTok, the content type won’t matter much.

6 Factors that Affect TikTok’s Virality

TikTok uses a beast algorithm. It is also a fact that the key to the success of getting viral on any social media platform is consistency – and the same goes for TikTok.

1. Engagement

As stated before, TikTok appreciates engagement more than likes. TikTok knows that people have their way of getting likes from other sources. If getting viral was based on likes only, then every other video would get viral.

You can increase engagement by interacting with the audience (people who comment), talking about the latest issues you see on social media, creating duets and collaborating with other TikTokers, creating lengthy videos, and keeping relevancy in mind.

2. Watch Time

Think of TikTok as a movie theatre where people decide a film’s future. If people watch your video until the end, they are intrigued and like it. To TikTok, your video has some weight that keeps people hooked to the app and glued to the screen. TikTok considers this as a sign of virality.

If you are low on the creative side, make sure you upload HD videos. Videos with better picture quality are near to aesthetics. And we all know how this generation takes aesthetics way too seriously. If your video is graphically amazing, people will stay till the end of the video.

3. Comments and Shares

Comments are gold for TikTokers, and sharing means caring. The more comments and shares you get, the more people like your content, find it useful and want to see more of it. According to TikTok’s algorithm, if this happens, your content is prone to go viral any time now.

Usually, people comment on videos when confused or curious about the content. So ensure that your video has the kind of content that either makes people ask for next or questions.

4. Riding with the Trends

Those who create videos according to the latest trends are bound to go viral on TikTok and get millions of views, shares, and comments. You must have seen silly TikTok dances and challenges, which can sometimes be super cringy.

But have seen the likes, comments, and shares on such videos; they cross the million milestone. No matter how insane, keep up with the trends, and your account will become more discoverable.

5. Hashtags

To increase engagement on TikTok, you have to use the proper hashtags. Consider the following points to add hashtags on TikTok to get viral properly.

  • Niche-specific hashtags: If your content has always been niched, search for relevant videos, open the top-rated videos, and copy their hashtags wisely.
  • Trending hashtags: Always keep space for trending hashtags. Don’t add irrelevant hashtags in your video.
  • Explore the For You page: Check the For You page, see the common hashtags popular videos have, and copy considering relevancy.
  • Branded hashtags: Let’s say you are marketing your shoe business via TikTok; check for relevant accounts and see how they have added hashtags, then do the same.
  • Avoid over-hashtagging: You can add 2200 characters in the caption. This means you can add a lot of hashtags, but it doesn’t mean you have to. Adding way too many hashtags can irritate the users and scroll next.
  • Experiment more: If your video is not getting many likes and views, try changing the course of your hashtagging strategy and stick to the one that worked out for you.

6. Add to Favorites

If you see numbers increasing below the comment button, this means people are adding your video to their favorites. Consider this a huge achievement because this means people not only like your content but also love it and will see it on repeat. TikTok will surely throw your Add to Favorites video on the For You page.

  1. Time and Consistency

For global fame, no fixed or suggested time can get you viral on TikTok. But some have been following virality time factors and have come up with 3 possible time slots that can get you famous on TikTok.

  • 10 am to 12 pm
  • 2.30 pm to 4 pm
  • 6.30 pm to 9.30

Posting videos on these time slots frequently will make you popular on TikTok someday.

What Type of Videos Get Viral on TikTok?

Every video type has the potential to go viral on TikTok. Below are the types of videos that usually go viral on TikTok fast.

  • Entertainment content and creative storytelling
  • Challenges and trendy
  • Comedy skits and humorous content
  • Educational and informative content, including quick tips and life hacks
  • Music and dance videos
  • Aesthetic and visually pleasing video content

How Many TikTok Likes Do You Need to Go Viral?

There is no specific number that tells you your video will go viral. A video with a few thousand likes can also go viral on TikTok. According to many TikTokers and digital marketers, 500,000 is a good number to say you are viral on TikTok.


Do more likes mean higher chances to go viral on TikTok?

A good number of likes on video means higher engagement. This can be considered a success on TikTok, but one cannot surely say that they are viral on the app. Comments, shares, quality of video, and watch time are the factors that also matter.

Can a video with fewer likes still go viral on TikTok?

Yes, a video with less likes can go viral on TikTok. The video should have good content quality and the factors mentioned above.


Going viral on TikTok doesn’t mean that you have to have millions of likes on the video. You have to have shares and comments, and if the video is getting added to favorites, consider yourself viral on TikTok. Remember, there is no exact formula or a hidden secret that guarantees TikTok virality. What matters the most is that your video is captivating, genuine, and magnetic.


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