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Is Grounded Cross Platform? Discover Seamless Co-op Play Across Devices

Grounded, a survival game from Obsidian Entertainment that shrinks players down to the size of ants, has piqued the interest of gamers by offering a unique cooperative experience. In this miniature world, the question of connectivity is crucial for friends who want to explore and survive together. Fortunately, Grounded provides a seamless answer to the cross-platform query. The game supports crossplay and cross-progression between Xbox and PC, allowing players to join forces irrespective of their hardware preferences.

Today, we will talk about is Grounded cross platform compatible.

Setting up a game in Grounded can be completed with minimal fuss, and the shared journey through backyards full of peril is designed to be inclusive. Whether one is playing on Xbox through the Microsoft Store or on PC via Steam, they can connect with friends using an Xbox Live account. This integration welcomes a larger community of gamers and ensures that progress and game worlds are transferable between platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Grounded offers cross-platform play between Xbox and PC
  • Players can save and share their game progress across devices
  • The game encourages multiplayer experiences with integrated cross-platform features

Getting Started with Grounded

Embarking on the miniature adventure in Obsidian Entertainment’s “Grounded” is a thrilling experience, whether one is playing solo or teaming up with friends. It’s essential to understand which platforms support the game and the system requirements needed for a seamless experience.

System Requirements and Availability

“Grounded” is available across various platforms, ensuring that a large audience can enjoy the game’s immersive backyard environment. They can play “Grounded” on both Xbox and PC. Here’s a breakdown of its cross-platform availability and system requirements:


  • Xbox: Available on Xbox consoles, gamers can dive right in through their console’s store or through the Xbox Game Pass subscription service
  • PC: Available on PC through Steam and the Microsoft Store, ensuring accessibility regardless of where one prefers to purchase and play their games

When it comes to the game’s performance, the system requirements differ depending on the platform:


  • Availability on Xbox One and the Xbox Series X|S consoles.

PC Requirements:

  • Minimum:
    • OS: Windows 7 (SP1) 64bit
    • Processor: Intel Core i3-3225
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 650 Ti
    • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Recommended:
    • OS: Windows 10 64bit
    • Processor: Intel Core i7-7700K
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060
    • Storage: 8 GB available space

Gamers should also note the additional benefit of cross progression when playing on Xbox and PC. This means that they can start their adventure on one platform and seamlessly continue on another, with all their in-game progress intact.

Cross-Platform Fundamentals

Navigating the world of gaming can be like exploring a dense jungle, but understanding cross-platform capabilities is key to unlocking a much smoother multiplayer experience. Here’s where one finds out how it all works and why it’s beneficial.

What is Cross-Platform?

Cross-platform, in the context of video games, is the ability for different gaming platforms to share the same online servers, allowing players to interact with each other regardless of the console or device they’re using. Specifically, Grounded boasts full cross-platform support between PC and Xbox platforms. This means whether a player has purchased the game via the Microsoft Store or prefers to play on Steam, they can still team up or compete with friends using Xbox consoles.

Now let’s talk about is Grounded cross platform compatibility a real thing.

Benefits of Cross-Play

The advantages of cross play are numerous, but let’s focus on the most significant ones. For starters, cross platform support broadens the player base, meaning shorter wait times for games to start and a more vibrant community. Full crossplay also ensures that friends can play together no matter the device, which is a win-win for social connectivity. It simplifies life for gamers: buy the video game on your preferred platform, and you’re set to play with everyone.

Playing with Friends

When it comes to enjoying Grounded with buddies, players have the luxury of joining forces in an engaging multiplayer experience, integrating friends from various platforms. Whether someone’s on an Xbox or using a PC, the game’s designed for them to come together seamlessly.

Setting Up Multiplayer

To embark on a multiplayer adventure in Grounded, one needs to navigate the game’s main menu and select the ‘Multiplayer’ option. Hosting a session is as simple as choosing ‘Host Online Game’, creating a lobby, and inviting friends. Friends can easily join a session by receiving an invite or selecting ‘Join Online Game’ to hop into an already active lobby.

Cross-Platform Multiplayer

Grounded excels in providing a cross platform play experience in multiplayer mode. Friends using an Xbox can enjoy the game with those on PC, through either the Microsoft Store or Steam. This creates a diverse playground where players can team up regardless of their chosen platform. For Xbox Live and Steam users alike, the process of joining together in a multiplayer co-op session remains straightforward and hassle-free, making the online game easily accessible for a friendly co-op.

Game Progress and Multi-Platform Gameplay

For gamers who love to hop between devices, “Grounded” ensures that the adventure never hits a pause. With seamless cross progression, your hard-earned progress is always at your fingertips, whether you’re on your trusty console or switching to a PC. It’s all about keeping your game going, no matter the platform.

Save Game Management

Managing save games in “Grounded” is pretty straightforward. Players have the freedom to save their standard world on one host device and continue playing on another. A seamless experience means no double work – your save file is shared across all platforms, ensuring you pick up exactly where you left off.

Cross-Progression Explained

Cross platform progression in “Grounded” explained simply: your progress, your save files, and your shared world all come with you. Whether you started a game on your Xbox and moved to a PC, or vice versa, the game treats both platforms as one. It doesn’t matter where you log in; your adventures are always updated and consistent, thanks to cross-progression. It’s like having a portable game world that fits in your pocket, ready for you to dive back in, no matter which device you choose.

In-Game Features and Community

Grounded’s vibrant in-game features foster a sense of community as players band together to uncover secrets and share tips. Crafting and building are at the heart of the gameplay experience, while the community plays a pivotal role in enhancing the fun and creative spirit of the game.

Crafting and Building

In Grounded, crafting is essential. Players must gather resources from their diminutive environment to create tools, weapons, and armor. It’s not just about survival; it’s about creativity. The building system allows for the construction of intricate bases, from simple shelters to elaborate fortresses. The fun of Grounded extends to the creative aspect where one can design and upgrade their living spaces with both functional and decorative elements. Team cooperation can bring even more elaborate structures to life.

Community and Guides

The community surrounding Grounded is a trove of shared knowledge. New players can find guides crafted by seasoned adventurers that reveal key secrets of the backyard. Whether it’s a guide for the best starting strategies or tips for taking down formidable insects, the information is there. Furthermore, a guides editor is a tool that some community members use to craft their own walkthroughs, ensuring a steady supply of up-to-date, reliable strategies for all. Thanks to everyone’s shared passion for fun and information, this community is a welcoming group for players of all levels.