In the near future, car accidents may become a thing of the past. If this statement sounds hyperbolic, think again. With artificial intelligence (AI) improving not just on a yearly basis but minute by minute, the technological breakthroughs it will afford the auto industry are not only mind-blowing but promise to revolutionize the way we drive and understand vehicle safety. Of course, until then, the same paradigms of safe driving apply. Always obey the rules of the road. If you find yourself the victim of a car crash, stay calm, and call the best personal injury lawyer you can find.
That said, how exactly will AI succeed at eliminating vehicular accidents in the near future? According to a recent report by WSI, AI is presently ushering in a new era for the auto industry. It is transforming the way vehicles are engineered, manufactured, and driven. With AI continuing to evolve rapidly, digital marketing strategies are also said to require adaptation to the new high-tech revolution.
AI’s Impact on the Auto Industry
The impact of AI on the auto industry cannot be overstated. Generative AI algorithms are said to be capable of producing comprehensive dataset analyses capable of producing new and innovative vehicle designs that prioritize key vehicular components like fuel efficiency, aerodynamics, and safety.
The AI-powered designs are not only a boon to an automobile or truck’s aesthetics, but they also improve vehicle functionality. Digital marketers can now highlight AI-powered design as a key selling point. More importantly, they can also stress the new safety factors that go into automobiles and how, in the not-too-distant future, auto accidents could become a thing of the past.
Case and point: one of AI’s most notable impacts in the automotive sector is the development and implementation of autonomous driving technology. AI-driven systems can enable “smart vehicles” to understand their surroundings and, therefore, make educated real-time decisions while navigating autonomously. The advancement is leading not only to far safer roads but to a reduction in traffic congestion and improvements in overall accessibility, which is a good thing for drivers possessing disabilities.
New vehicles will come standard with AI assistants such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. The assistants will provide drivers of the 2020s with information about road conditions. Advanced driver assistance systems, or ADAS, are said to offer major safety features like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assistance, which will result in a significant reduction in accidents.
AI’s Role in Cost Savings and Predictive Vehicle Maintenance
WSI states that AI is already playing a major role in the predictive maintenance of new vehicles. AI is able to accurately predict when components might require maintenance or when they might fail by analyzing real-time data from systems and sensors. This greatly improves vehicle reliability and creates a safer driving experience.
Predictive maintenance driven by AI is said to contribute to maintaining a vehicle in optimal driving condition. Essential parts and systems are constantly being monitored, identifying and issuing early warning indicators of wear and tear and potential breakdown issues. This is considered a proactive approach to driving that will reduce mechanical failures that lead to sudden breakdowns and, inevitably, bad accidents. The owner’s vehicle ownership experience will become one of significantly improved safety, and the possibility of a bad or fatal auto accident will be greatly reduced.
Because the AI-powered vehicle can accurately predict when maintenance issues arise, its lifespan will naturally increase, thereby saving the owner money in the long run. The vehicle will retain its long-term value.
The New AI-Driven Customer Experience
The improvement of the customer experience is said to be of paramount importance in the automotive industry. AI-driven virtual assistants and chatbots that enhance safety are playing an instrumental role in the achievement of this goal. The AI systems are able to respond rapidly to road conditions, which creates a safer environment for the customer. This results in greater customer satisfaction.
While the proliferation of artificial intelligence frightens some people into believing that robots are going to take over the world someday and turn humans into slaves, for now, it has the capability of greatly improving driver safety on the world’s highways and byways. Vehicles powered by AI can predict in real-time not only when a system component is about to fail but it can provide crucial information about a dangerous road condition or a reckless lane shift. It can also take over for the driver to make the necessary driving corrections before it’s too late and a bad accident occurs. And that’s something we can all live with.