How to Fit in More Holidays

woman sitting on chair beside luggage bag

In today’s fast-paced world, taking time off to relax and rejuvenate is more important than ever. Yet, many people struggle to fit holidays into their busy schedules. Here are some strategies to help you carve out more time for holidays without compromising your responsibilities.

1. Plan Ahead

One of the most effective ways to ensure you have time for holidays is to plan well in advance. Look at your calendar at the beginning of the year and identify potential dates for holidays. Consider long weekends, public holidays, and quieter periods at work. Booking your holidays early can also help you secure better deals on flights and accommodation.

2. Prioritize Your Time

Evaluate how you spend your time daily. Identify areas where you can be more efficient or delegate tasks to free up more time. Prioritizing tasks and focusing on what’s most important can create more opportunities for breaks and holidays. Remember, taking time off is essential for your mental and physical well-being, so treat it as a priority.

3. Utilize Weekends and Public Holidays

Maximise long weekends and public holidays by planning short trips. A three-day weekend can be perfect for a quick getaway, offering a refreshing break without needing a lot of time off work. By strategically planning around these days, you can enjoy multiple short holidays throughout the year, particularly if you look into purchasing a place from Beverley Holiday Homes – that way, you’ll have somewhere to go on holiday whenever you want and for however long!

4. Consider Flexible Working Arrangements

If your job allows, discuss flexible working arrangements with your employer. Options such as remote working, compressed workweeks, or flexible hours can provide more opportunities for travel. For instance, working remotely from a different location for a week can combine work and holiday, giving you a change of scenery without taking time off.

5. Combine Business and Leisure Travel

If you travel for work, consider extending your trips to include some leisure time. Adding a few extra days to explore a new city or relax after business meetings can turn a work trip into a mini-holiday. This approach can help you see new places without needing additional leave days.

6. Be Spontaneous with Short Breaks

Not all holidays need extensive planning. Be open to spontaneous short breaks. When you see a good deal or have a free weekend, take the opportunity to escape for a couple of days. These spontaneous trips can be invigorating and provide a quick reset.

7. Travel During Off-Peak Times

Traveling during off-peak times can save money and avoid crowds. Look for holidays outside of the traditional peak seasons, such as spring and autumn. Off-peak travel can also mean less disruption at work, as it’s often easier to take time off when it’s less busy.

8. Involve Your Family or Friends in Planning

Involve your family or friends in the planning process. Coordinating with others can make it easier to find suitable times for everyone and increase the likelihood of committing to a holiday. Sharing the experience with loved ones can also make the holiday more enjoyable.

9. Use Travel Apps and Resources

Leverage travel apps and resources to find the best deals and plan efficiently. Apps can help you track prices, find last-minute deals, and organize your itinerary. With the right tools, you can make the planning process smoother and more efficient, freeing up more time for actual travel.

10. Adopt a Positive Mindset Towards Holidays

Changing your mindset towards holidays is crucial. View taking time off as a necessary part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance rather than an indulgence. A positive attitude towards holidays can make you more proactive in planning and taking them.


Fitting in more holidays requires planning, prioritization, and sometimes a bit of creativity. By planning ahead, prioritizing your time, utilizing weekends and public holidays, considering flexible working arrangements, combining business and leisure travel, being spontaneous with short breaks, traveling during off-peak times, involving family or friends, using travel apps, and adopting a positive mindset, you can make the most of your time and enjoy more holidays. Taking regular breaks is essential for your well-being and can enhance your productivity and overall quality of life. So, start planning and make those holidays happen!


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