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Can Anyone Learn to Sing? Basic Guide to Choosing the Right Trainer


Some people love to sing but only do so in their shower but cannot muster the courage to sing before an audience. Another set of people love to sing but do not like their voice. In fact it is common knowledge that a good number of people are often surprised and somewhat disappointed when they hear their voice played back to them. This is because they don’t sound the way they thought they sounded.

There are some other people that cannot carry a tone. They fall into the category of non singers who believe that they cannot sing to save their lives. These are the ones that always argue that not everyone can learn to sing.

The truth however, is that anyone can learn to sing. Think of it as learning a basic skill such as cooking or swimming. While it is true that some people have a more natural aptitude for some skills than others, with proper coaching humans can learn and become proficient in any skill.

That being said, this article will explore the importance of engaging a voice trainer or coach. We will also share some tips on how to choose the right trainer if you want to learn to sing at any level, so stay with us.

Importance of Engaging a Voice Coach or Trainer

Oftentimes, it is said that practice makes perfect but sadly, practicing the wrong thing reinforces mistakes and makes one ‘perfect’ in their mistakes. This therefore means that becoming proficient in singing requires the right type of practice which most times cannot be achieved on your own.

Negatives of DIY Vocal training

The following are some negatives that have come out of trying to DIY vocal training:-

  1. You do not get professional feedback so you cannot accurately gauge your growth.
  2. You may not be able to match what you hear with your pitch and gain control of your voice without a coach.
  3. You may choose the wrong examples to model your voice after; but a coach will know when you are out of your vocal range and choose the right voice example for you.
  4. You do not get the advantage of a holistic musical training.

This brings us to the importance of engaging a voice trainer:-

Importance of a Vocal Trainer

The following are the importance of learning under the supervision of a vocal coach:-

  1. A trainer will teach you the basics of music theory and also how to sight read if necessary.
  2. They will teach you how to sing phrases in creative ways.
  3. They will monitor your breathing exercises to ensure that you are doing them right.
  4. A vocal coach will help you understand the type of voice that you have and how to unleash its power.
  5. You will receive holistic music training.
  6. You get professional feedback that will help you grow exponentially.
  7. They will help you avoid vocal mistakes that can damage your vocal cords. You can visit for medical tips on how to take care of your voice.

Tips for Getting the Best Vocal Coach

While it is true that you can teach yourself to sing (to an extent), we have shown the dangers of going DIY with your vocal training.  We recommend you engage the service of a professional vocal coach. That being said however, it is important that you get the right trainer or else the purpose is defeated.  For this reason, we share below some attributes to look out for in a vocal coach:-

They must be Systematic

Do not just look for a coach that knows vocal exercises. Rather look out for one that has a sequence of exercises that enables you to discover your voice instead of forcing it to be what it isn’t.  They must also not only know the formula that works for almost every singer but be able to diagnose your problem if the formula doesn’t work for you.

They must have Domain Authority

This means that the trainer must be recognized in the comity of musicians as a good trainer. They must command authority based on the depth of knowledge that they have and also be influencers in the music world. Not that we are saying you should look for a trainer from ‘The Voice’ or AGT or some other global music show.

However, in your immediate environs or community, there are people who are known for their depth of knowledge, who command the respect of other musicians. Look out for such professionals and engage their tutelage.

They must be Charismatic

Music is an art and as such the aura or vibe of your teacher can either make or mar your training sessions. Ensure that the trainer is one who will make you feel good about yourself and not one that intimidates you or makes you feel some type of way.

A pleasant and charming trainer will help you be at ease which in turn enhances the learning process. They must also be dependable and responsible which are also traits that make up charisma.

They must have an Excellent Track Record

Before you sign up with any trainer, it is imperative that you check out their track record to find out how many successful singers they have trained. Apart from having a client list of extraordinary singers, you should also look out for reviews of students who went from zero to hundred with a particular coach.

Reviews and testimonials are very important but you must learn how to sieve out false reviews from the genuine ones.  Click here for tips on how to spot fake reviews.


You can learn to sing if you want to and you can also go from a good singer to a better one and the best version of you! However, the best way to achieve this is by working with a professional coach who truly understands what you need and is invested in helping you achieve your goals.

In this article, we have shared tips on how to choose the best vocal instructor for you. Engage these tips and you will be sure to get the right instructor fit for you.