5 Signs You Need to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

2 min

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Did you know the average cost for accident claims in 2020 and 2021 was $41,757?

That’s according to the National Safety Council, citing information from the National Council on Compensation Insurance’s (NCCI) Workers Compensation Statistical Plan database.

The National Safety Council, again citing NCCI data, says the most expensive lost-time workers’ compensation claims stemmed from vehicle crashes — averaging $89,152 per claim in 2020 and 2021. Burns and slips or falls were also among the major reasons for claims.

The number of worker injuries requiring medical care was 4.53 million in 2022. So, serious accidents in the workplace are not uncommon.

If you pursue a workers’ compensation claim and are denied, you need a lawyer. Unfortunately, injured employees often face hurdles when seeking compensation. It makes sense, therefore, to know five signs it’s time to retain the services of a workers’ compensation lawyer to help out.

1. Your Boss or Insurer Insists Your Injury Isn’t Work-Related

It can be aggravating when you are injured at work but face push-back from your employer and the insurance company over allegations the injuries are not workplace-related. But if you are injured and fail to report the incident promptly, questions about where the injury occurred could arise. It’s never a good idea to dilly-dally and drag your feet.

If injured while performing work duties, report it as soon as possible. Waiting days, weeks, or months to report it is bound to raise alarm bells that may jeopardize your claim.

2. Your Injury Won’t Allow You to Return to Work

It’s in your best interests to contact a workers’ compensation attorney if your injury will prevent you from returning to work for a time or at all. You should also speak to a lawyer if returning to work means taking on modified responsibilities due to whatever long-lasting injuries you sustain.

A workers’ compensation lawyer will fight for your right to appropriate compensation when a workplace injury negatively impacts your ability to do your job.

3. Your Claim Is Taking Forever

Few things are as frustrating as seeing a company delay the workers’ compensation claims process. But before complaining about your company’s pace, ensure you do your part. That means informing your employer as soon as you’re injured on the job. After you do your part, your employer must give you the right paperwork to fill out so the incident can be reported to the workers’ compensation board and a claim can be initiated on your behalf.

If your employer is unnecessarily delaying the process — perhaps hoping you’ll back off — get a lawyer. Your workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure you’re treated properly.

4. A Compensation Offer Isn’t Nearly Enough

Yet another reason to retain the services of a lawyer is if the insurance company’s compensation offer isn’t enough. If the settlement offer won’t cover lost wages, medical expenses, or anything you’re entitled to, hiring a lawyer to represent you is essential. You can file an appeal to provide more information supporting your need for further compensation.

5. Insurance Company Won’t Cover Treatment Recommended By Your Doctor

You’ll want a lawyer’s help if your insurance company refuses to cover treatment recommended by your doctor. Unfortunately, insurance companies often refuse such requests if they insist injuries aren’t as severe as stated or did not occur on the job. Whatever the reason, you’ll need a legal professional to help you. Failing to get medical assistance for injuries will only result in the injuries worsening.

These are five scenarios where you need a workers’ compensation lawyer in your corner. Going it alone is not an option when considering what’s at stake. Retaining the services of a legal professional will increase your odds of getting the compensation you need and deserve.


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