It’s that time of year again, and the perfect moment to start placing bets on the upcoming E3 Announcements. Here’s a few to get you started!


Wii U Launch Titles: We already received the technical demo for the system. It’s time for the games to appear. I expect a new Mario, an Ubisoft game, and maybe that Zelda HD game that they’ve been hinting at. While it might have one or two casual games, I expect the launch lineup to appeal mainly to long-time gamers.

PS4 or XBOX 720 Announced: Both of these not only have rumors surrounding them, but rumors of game development. While it might be too soon to expect gameplay, I expect an announcement or tech demo for these—perhaps something like the Wii U announcement videos—or at least a public acknowledgement of their existence.

Elder Scrolls: Online Gameplay: With much of the game’s information already announced, along with plenty of screenshots and interviews on the game, it’s only natural for the game to be shown at this year’s E3. Seeing it in action would be awesome—I’ve been having doubts as to whether its gameplay will be very different from typical MMOs at all.

Awesome PS Vita Game Announcements: We’ve already heard of the HD Kingdom Hearts Collection. Since the launch of the Vita, game releases have stagnated, and all despite promises of a continuing upkeep from Sony. I expect that many of the games in development that only they know about will be revealed—so, along with gameplay from recently announced games, there will be plenty of new ones announced that will release throughout the year (and not just during Winter holidays).


Dawnguard Gameplay: The trailer for Dawnguard was recently released and looks amazing. However, that’s probably all we’re going to see this E3—just the trailer. The announcement by itself is enough to tease gamers, and with the Elder Scrolls: Online probably taking up most of the screen time, this simply serves as a teaser for those of us wanting a new addition to Skyrim.

New PS Allstar Information: They’ll show the trailer, yes. They’ll show the gameplay, yes. But everything will be with characters that are already revealed, in settings already seen in the gameplay videos. This is something I’d love to be wrong on, but since even rumors have failed to leak on this game, I doubt there’s going to be any major new information.

PS Vita Pricedrop

Sony and Microsoft Nextgen Release Games Announced: While it’s true that it’s about time for these consoles to appear—or at least have their rumors validated—I doubt they’ll have anything to show for it. After showing the different specs, features, and technical demoes, there probably won’t be enough time to show off games (even if quite a few are in development).

Crackpot Theories:

Last Guardian Gameplay: We’ve been waiting years for this, and yet there’s still only a handful of videos and information on the game. This is possibly the most anticipated game of the year for critics, but its development hell will probably keep it from getting center stage…but at least there’s still a possibility of the game appearing.

Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki Localization: I can dream.

Do you have any of your own bets or wishes for this year’s E3? Let us know in the comment section!


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Sara Swanson

I picked up a B.A. in English with a specialty in Poetry. I also draw manga-inspired webcomics and play far too much Minecraft in my free time. My favorite game is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, while my favorite series is Suikoden!
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