Since their implementation in the beginning of Cataclysm, Valor Points have become a very important part of gearing characters. Earned by defeating raid bosses or completing dungeons, these points can be spent on some of the best gear in the game, or at least items that serve as “placeholders” until players find better items. The idea of Valor Point gear is great, since it helps players that have extremely bad luck with getting items to drop for them. However, many people feel that the current system is flawed, which is why Blizzard is changing how Valor Points work in Mists of Pandaria.

But first thing’s first, what is wrong with Valor Points? Simply put, they do not last long. What I mean by this is players quickly get to the point where they do not need any Valor Points. If these players do not need Valor Points, then they no longer need to run 5-man dungeons or anything else besides their main raid. This is a huge contributor to why many people feel there is nothing to do this late in an expansion. Blizzard tried to make Valor Points last by having there be a weekly maximum that players can earn, however this too was flawed. Players were only able to earn 1000 Valor Points, which can be earned by completing a raid and doing the LFR. This means that a vast majority of players will not be running dungeons, which is a shame because many of the Cataclysm dungeons are really well done.

Thankfully, Mists of Pandaria is changing the Valor Point system. Instead of giving items to players, Valor Points will be spent to upgrade existing items. This change will be very good for the game because players will need to spend much more Valor Points to get their gear the best possible. This means that players will be spending more time running the new dungeons and scenarios Blizzard has been working so hard on. There has been no official statement, but hopefully Blizzard will also be raising the Valor Point cap, which will make players go into 5-man dungeons.

After an expansion with the current Valor Point system, many players are realizing that it stinks. They are far too easy to earn, yet only so much can be earned each week, making a good majority of the content obsolete. However, I am really liking the Valor Point changes they are making in Mists of Pandaria. If implemented correctly, this system will reward players that spend hours in the new dungeons and scenarios that Blizzard is so diligently working on.

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  1. I think that people who end up having nothing to spend valor on are being willfully ignorant. I’ve been accruing valor through DS raiding for months now and always have things to spend them on. Whether it be gear for alts, guildies or myself, disenchanting mats, selling boots or bracers, converting to conquest points, the list goes on. I’m also continuing to run 5-mans for fun: it’s awesome to mess around with guildies in the new dungeons, push tanks to get better while pushing out 50k+dps and fighting them for aggro. If you’re having trouble spending Valor or getting bored by only coming on for raiding: you’re doing it wrong. Find social people and have a good time.

Ted Racicot

I am a student currently studying Creative Writing. I have a strong passion for writing, as well as video games. Growing up I was a huge Blizzard fan, playing most of the games in the Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft series. I also played many RPGs on Playstation and on the computer.
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