Our day has been made after we saw this cute little girl performing “Love is an Open Door” with her father.

I bet she enjoys spending time with her dad and you can tell by the look on her face.

Most of the dads can be really tough to make them do something like this. They will take their little princess to the zoo, help them with their homework and stuff like that.

Alex (the father) is definitely different and he deserves the “Best dad of the week” award.

Have you seen Frozen?

If you have, you will understand what Jade (the cute little girl) wanted to do in first place. In this amazing and adorable video you will see Jade all dressed up as a cute little princess from the movies and her father lip-syncing “Love is an Open Door”.

I’ve never seen something like this. This video went viral as soon as it was posted on YouTube.

We are glad to present to you Jade and Alex the cutest lip-syncing duo ever.

I know they’ve made your heart melt from cuteness. My colleague over here had a tear on her eye watching this and her statement was: “Awwww they are so cute”.


So, if you think they are cute hit those sharing buttons bellow and show this father and daughter collaboration to your friends.

Thank You!


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