I just love these office wars.

When something like this happens we are all grabbing some popcorn and wait for the magic to happen.

The thing is, we never experienced something like this, but this gives such a great idea…

This employee will never leave his sandwich again.

Reading this war was very fun imagine being there? – I will be honest with you, it made me cry… of laughing of course what did you expect?

I hope the employee didn’t get fired.

The justice has been served, but that sandwich sure looked good.

1. This is how it started

2. And we are off

3. Do you have your popcorn with you?

4. HAHAHA this killed me!

5. Oh the desperation

6. Killing it!

7. The war just got heated!

8. The thief didn’t care

9. Period!

10. Oh you… Oh you…

11. But he sure is funny

12. Laughing out loud!!!

13. Busted!

14. He never saw it coming

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