I cannot wait for this game. I’m literally counting down the days on a calender. And it’s this excitement that has driven me to pulling up some new details for the masses.
But we will get around to that in a moment, in the time being I’m just going to fill you in on a few things that is going to make this game a smash hit. So here are some shots from Pax for your consideration.
First of all, lets talk about the size and scope of this game. In terms of weaponry that the player can aquire, the first game offered somewhere in the region of 17,750,000 guns. In Borderlands 2 the developers have promised us, and i quote “870 Gajillion More Guns…with personality.” A more reasonable would be this. Thus far we have been told that the game is going to be larger than its predecessor by a magnitude of 3-4. That equates to somewhere in the region of 710.000.000 weapons. That’s a lot of fire power.

The second point of interest is in the screenshot above, in a level that I can confirm is called “Lynchwood”, if we pay close attention to the lefthand side of the screen, it would appear that a “Raider” is being killed, rather brutally I might add, by a freight train. The latest rendition of the game seems to incorporate environmental kills outside of “shoot the red barrel”. Although not a confirmed feature its safe to assume that this screenshot is all the confirmation you need.
Interest number 3, and this is one I’m thoroughly looking forward to playing with. This area is called “fridge” and it’s easy to see why, but if we look into the background we can clearly see a sentry turret mowing down a group of three (as yet) unnamed enemies. The sentry is deployed by one of the games new characters, so I reached out to 2k games for some deets and here are the facts. We can also see the Siren class in action with her equally awesome abilities, which are also detailed below.
- Axton / Commando class – Sabre Turret – Axton can deploy a turret which can be upgraded with many gun and missile attachments or augmentations. Some of these upgrades can grant the turret the ability to teleport far distances or create nuclear explosions!
- Maya / Siren class – Phaselock – Maya can lift and lock enemies in place where they sit helplessly out of battle and prone to damage. Phaselock can take many forms including healing party members, creating massive damage to enemies or for crowd controlling numerous enemies.

In this screenshot we get a glance at the massive new enemy, who goe by the name of “Terramorphous”. Given the size of this beastie, I think we can get a rough idea of the size of some enemies we are likely to encounter. Those of you who are a little more attentive than most will have no doubt noticed that the characters are all wearing different costumes than what we have seen thus far, hip-hip-hooray for customisation. Take note of the use of grenades as well, it looks as though Axton is primed to throw it into Terramorphous’ gaping mouth.
All these things combine to path the way for a fantastic sounding game, one, that if it plays its cards right (which I’m fairly sure it has) will be a massive unit shifting force to be reckoned with, and lets not forget that the special editions add some more funk to the game, so get out there, and pre-order it while you still can, I’d hate to visit Pandora without you.
Oh and before I go here’s a picture for you that details the Assassins little assassination trick.
- Zer0 / Assassin class – Deception – Zer0 can vanish into stealth, do massive critical hit damage and distract his enemies with a decoy. While in Deception, Zer0 can also see critical weak points on enemies or assassinate enemies with fast attacking melee strikes