When it comes to protests I don’t know what to say because if you support the protesters you are absolutely wrong in the eyes of those who are not supporting the protest and the other way around.

What happens today all over the world is outrageous. People are vandalizing the streets and the homes, property and cars of innocent people in order to show their revolt. On this, the riot police are using rubber bullets and tear gas treating people like some wild animals that don’t deserve to live.

Who is right? – Good luck with finding the right explanation for that.

What we have here are some touching moments of numerous protests that happened around the world.

1. People in Egypt salute the army members for avoiding orders to shoot at civilians

2. Occupy protesters help a poor women in a wheelchair to escape the tear gas

3. Berkeley professor continues to teach outside after a protest evacuation

4. Protester gives a cake to an officer for his birthday in Brazil

5. Girl gives water to 2 officers in Bosnia

6. Riot police helps a woman affeted by tear gas

7. Woman defends the riot police from the protesters in Columbia

8. Protesters share their crackers with the riot police in Columbia

9. London people decided to gather and clean all the mess from the London Riots

10. Turkish protester

11. Civilians protect a police officer beaten by the rioters

12. Touching moment from the riot in Bucharest, Romania

13. Student protest about education reforms in Columbia

14. Women defends a protester from a bulldozer in Egypt

15. We are all people!

16. A priest stands first in row of the human shield in Kiev


17. Protesters help a tear gassed dog


18. German police have put down their weapons and helmets to escort Occupy protesters

19. Christians protecting Muslims while they pray in Cairo

20. Boyfriend helps his injured girlfriend during a protest in Vancouver

21. Touching moment from the protest in Egypt

22. Protesters and riot police shedding tears together in Sofia, Bulgaria

23. Girl delivers sandwiches to protesters in Ukraine

24. Police officer hugs a 12 year old boy following a demonstration for Michael Brown

25. Man playing piano in front of the riot police in Kiev

We are all people.

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