And suddenly we are saved!

Everything becomes so easy with an Ice Cube tray. These hacks are absolutely what you need if you want to have more time to be out there on the sun.

These genius ways will turn your life around!

If you love to be around your kitchen this is definitely for you. Spend more time in the pool by finishing the snacks fast.

These ice cube tray hacks are for those who don’t know a single thing when it comes to kitchen. Believe me, there are people who don’t know how to boil eggs.


Here are 12 amazing ways to use the ice cube tray:

Preserve your herbs in olive oil

Make chocolate strawberries. Spray a little bit of oil onto the tray, pour chocolate inside and dip the strawberries! Oh man…

Make chocolate ice cubes for different and surprising taste to your glass of milk

Coffee ice cubes are here to save you! Make coffee and pour it into the ice cube tray and add it to whatever you are drinking. Say goodbye to watered down coffee!

Bite sized portions of sushi are best made into an ice cube tray

You are tired of throwing away the rest of the buttermilk? Put it in an ice cube tray and freeze it. You can now use it whenever you like

Peanut butter cups. Should we say more?

Turn the leftover wine into ice cubes for future drinking and cooking purposes. The quality will be the same.

If you don’t want to go through the same process of making pesto linguine all the time, freeze them into individual ice cube trays and have it right when you need it!

Leftover chicken stock? – Put it in an ice cube tray and add flavor kick to any dish later on

This is my favorite. Blueberry martini jello shots. Yes you can!

Bite-sized chocolate cheesecake bites. Your favorite recipe now in small portions

Make healthy baby food on your own and freeze it in an ice cube tray. Use it when you need it

Freeze small portions of tomato sauce and use them for the days when you want only a small portion. A plus, small portion of tomato sauce is easy to microwave!

Mini popsicles for kids!

Portion controlled cookie!

There you go. We are glad we could help!

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