Driven by their desire for knowledge, these children don’t mind traveling for couple of hours to get to school.
Taking a walk or riding with the school bus doesn’t make this trip any less dangerous.
Parents, you should be grateful how your kids travel to school!
It’s not easy to be a kid somewhere in this world. It’s not easy for these children living in an area where it’s a real luxury to attend school.
The journeys to school you will see below will give you chills and make you feel scared about some children’s lives. I admire their passion and will to go back to school and learn even when the conditions are not like they deserve.
1. Gulu, South West China
2. Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China
3. Zanskar, Indian Himalayas
4. Lebak, Indonesia
5. Rio Negro River, Colombia
6. Riau, Indonesia
7. Nongsohphan Village, India
8. Myanmar
9. Beldanga, India
10. Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China
11. Pangururan, Indonesia
12. Sri Lanka
13. Delhi, India
14. Sumatra, Indonesia
15. Cilangkap Village, Indonesia
16. Rizal Province, Philippines
These pictures gave me tears!
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