A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Acne Treatments

6 min

Acne is a common skin condition affecting millions worldwide. It causes physical discomfort and often impacts self-esteem. This prevalent issue occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, forming pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Understanding acne is crucial for effective treatment. There are several types of acne, including fungal, cystic, hormonal, and nodular, each with unique characteristics and treatment requirements. The severity of acne can range from mild, occasional breakouts to severe, persistent cases that may lead to scarring if left untreated.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various effective acne treatments, from topical solutions to oral medications, how online pharmacies like e-Surgery can help and discuss choosing the proper treatment for your needs.

Importance of Choosing the Right Acne Treatment

Selecting the appropriate acne treatment is crucial for achieving clear, healthy skin. With the variety of options available, it’s essential to understand that not all treatments work equally well for everyone. The effectiveness of acne treatment can depend on various factors, including the type and severity of acne, skin type, and individual response to different active ingredients.

Choosing the proper treatment can make the difference between persistent breakouts and clear skin. It can also help prevent side effects and skin irritation with unsuitable treatments. Moreover, the correct treatment approach can address existing acne and prevent future breakouts, potentially reducing the risk of scarring and improving overall skin health.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into various acne treatments, their mechanisms of action, and their suitability for different types of acne, helping you make an informed decision about your skincare regimen.

Topical Treatments for Acne

Topical treatments are often the first defence against acne, directly targeting the underlying causes. Benzoyl peroxide, commonly found in products like Acnecide Gel, is widely used and recommended by healthcare professionals for mild to moderate acne. 

Benzoyl peroxide wash penetrates pores, releases oxygen to combat acne-causing bacteria, and provides a mild exfoliating effect to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells. This treatment helps reduce inflammation and redness, prevents new acne lesions, and doesn’t contribute to antibiotic resistance.

For best results, start with a lower concentration to minimise skin irritation and apply a thin layer once or twice daily. Using sunscreen during the day is essential, as benzoyl peroxide can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. 

Moreover, Acnecide acne gel, with 5% benzoyl peroxide, is an effective and easy-to-use option in the UK. However, it is essential to follow the instructions and be aware of potential side effects like dryness or irritation.

Retinoids for Acne

Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A and are highly effective in treating acne. They work by increasing cell turnover, unclogging pores, and reducing inflammation. Two popular retinoid treatments are Treclin gel and Differin acne treatment gel.

Treclin Gel

Treclin gel contains two active ingredients: tretinoin (a retinoid) and clindamycin (an antibiotic). This combination makes it particularly effective for moderate acne.

  • Active Ingredients: 0.025% tretinoin and 1% clindamycin
  • Mechanism: Tretinoin unclogs pores and promotes cell turnover, while clindamycin fights acne-causing bacteria
  • Best for: Moderate acne that hasn’t responded well to single-ingredient treatments

Differin Gel

Differin gel contains adapalene, a third-generation retinoid that’s gentler on the skin than tretinoin.

  • Active Ingredient: 0.1% adapalene
  • Mechanism: Regulates cell turnover, reduces inflammation, and prevents pores from clogging
  • Best for: Mild to moderate acne, particularly suitable for those with sensitive skin

Comparison of Defferin and Treclin Gel 

  • Effectiveness: Both are effective, but Treclin may work faster due to its antibiotic component
  • Tolerance: Differin is generally better tolerated and less likely to cause irritation
  • Versatility: Differin is approved for over-the-counter use in some countries, making it more accessible

Combination Therapies

Combination therapies can be particularly effective for treating acne, targeting multiple factors contributing to acne formation. One such popular combination treatment is Epiduo gel.

Epiduo acne gel combines adapalene (a retinoid) with benzoyl peroxide, offering a powerful dual-action treatment for acne.

Advantages of combining adapalene and benzoyl peroxide:

  1. Complementary mechanisms: Adapalene unclogs pores and regulates cell turnover, while benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria
  2. Enhanced efficacy: The combination is more effective than either ingredient used alone
  3. Reduced irritation: The presence of adapalene helps mitigate some of the irritating effects of benzoyl peroxide
  4. Convenience: Using a single product with two active ingredients simplifies the treatment regimen

Epiduo gel is particularly effective for moderate acne and can help prevent new acne lesions from forming. Like other retinoid treatments, it may cause initial skin irritation, which usually subsides with continued use.

Antibiotic Solutions

Antibiotics are crucial in treating acne by reducing inflammation and killing acne-causing bacteria. Topical and oral antibiotics are used in acne treatment, each with advantages.

Zineryt Solution

  • Active ingredients: Erythromycin (antibiotic) and zinc acetate
  • How it works: Erythromycin kills bacteria, while zinc helps reduce inflammation and sebum production
  • Most effective for: Mild to moderate inflammatory acne

Aknemycin Plus

  • Active ingredients: Erythromycin and tretinoin
  • How it works: Combines the antibacterial effects of erythromycin with the pore-unclogging and cell-turnover regulating properties of tretinoin
  • Most effective for: Moderate acne with both inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions

Topical antibiotics for acne are most effective when combined with other acne treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are typically reserved for more severe cases of acne or when topical treatments are ineffective.

Lymecycline (Tetralysal) Capsules

  • Active ingredient: Lymecycline (a tetracycline antibiotic)
  • How they work: Reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria throughout the body


  1. Effective for widespread or severe acne
  2. Can treat acne on hard-to-reach areas like the back
  3. May work faster than some topical treatments for severe acne

Considerations for Oral Treatments

  1. Potential for systemic side effects
  2. Risk of antibiotic resistance with long-term use
  3. Not suitable for pregnant women or children under 12

Oral antibiotics for acne are typically prescribed for a limited duration and are often used with topical treatments for optimal results.

Choosing the Right Acne Treatment

Selecting the most appropriate acne treatment depends on several factors, including acne type, severity, and skin sensitivity. For comedonal acne, such as blackheads and whiteheads, retinoids like Differin or benzoyl peroxide are often recommended. Inflammatory acne may respond well to combination treatments like Epiduo or antibiotic solutions. Cystic acne typically requires oral medications or more potent topical treatments.

The severity of acne also guides treatment choice. Over-the-counter acne cream options like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can often manage mild cases. Moderate acne may call for prescription topicals such as retinoids or combination therapies. Severe acne usually necessitates oral acne antibiotics or other strong prescription treatments.

Skin sensitivity is another important consideration. Those with sensitive skin generally do better with gentler treatments like Differin or lower concentrations of active ingredients. People with normal to oily skin can typically tolerate stronger treatments such as Treclin or higher concentrations of benzoyl peroxide.

The timing of product use matters as well. Cleansers should be used daily, morning and night. Topical treatments are usually applied once daily, preferably at night. Moisturisers should be used daily, especially after applying drying treatments. Oral medications should be taken as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

It’s important to remember that seeing improvements may take several weeks, and finding the most effective treatment for your skin might require trying different options.

Best Practices for Acne Management

How to get rid of acne effectively involves more than just applying treatments. A comprehensive approach includes following a proper skincare routine and considering lifestyle factors.

For skincare, it’s important to cleanse gently twice daily with a non-comedogenic cleanser, using lukewarm water and avoiding harsh scrubbing. Apply cream for acne treatments as directed and moisturise with a non-comedogenic, oil-free product. Use sunscreen daily, as many acne treatments can increase sun sensitivity.

Lifestyle factors play a significant role in acne management. Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Stay hydrated and manage stress through exercise, meditation, or other relaxation techniques. Avoid touching your face frequently, change pillowcases regularly, and remove makeup before bed.

Consistency is crucial in acne management. Stick to your treatment regimen, even if you don’t see immediate results. Most treatments take 4-8 weeks to improve significantly, so patience is key. Watch for side effects such as excessive dryness, redness, or irritation. If these are severe or persistent, consult a healthcare professional.

Following these best practices and maintaining a consistent routine can significantly improve acne management and overall skin health.

The Role of Professional Advice

While many acne treatments are available over the counter, consulting healthcare professionals is crucial for effective acne management, especially for moderate to severe cases. Professional consultation offers several significant benefits. It accurately diagnoses acne type and severity, allowing for more targeted treatment

Online pharmacies like e-Surgery have established themselves as convenient options for accessing acne treatments. These platforms provide convenient access to prescription treatments and offer expert advice from licensed pharmacists.

Platforms like e-Surgery also ensure a safe and regulated medication supply while providing discreet and efficient service, which can be particularly helpful for those who may have difficulty accessing traditional healthcare services.


Acne is a complex skin condition that requires a tailored approach for effective management. From topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide and retinoids to oral acne antibiotics for more severe cases, numerous options are available to help clear your skin and boost your confidence.

When dealing with acne, choosing treatments based on your specific acne type, severity, and skin sensitivity is crucial. Consistency is vital in your skincare routine, and giving treatments adequate time to work is essential.

Don’t overlook lifestyle factors that may influence your acne, as they can significantly affect your skin’s health. Seeking professional advice is often beneficial, as it can provide you with personalised treatment plans and access to prescription medications when needed.

Contact e-Surgery for a consultation today to start your journey towards better skin health. With the right approach and patience, you can effectively manage your acne and regain confidence in your skin.


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