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Ahh the PSOne! To many, that little device symbolizes the golden age of videogames – a time where platforming was at its finest, where level-saves were charmingly awful, where taking abuse from minors online wasn’t exactly mandatory. Here’s Explosions top ...

Once hailed as the all-time “Queen of speed” (with King “Need for Speed” indomitably heading the metaphorical racing monarchy), the Ridge Racer franchise has arguably been on something of a hiatus for the past few years. Yet for all the ...

Love them or hate them, you can’t escape a love-story subplot. Films, books and more importantly games see them as a means of creating empathy, increasing the drama, character building and all that fancy jazz. Whether you’re a closet Romeo ...

EA’s latest footie venture sees them head back to the impervious realms of realistic authenticity; sprinting as far away from the radically-paced ping-pong experience that was FIFA Street as possible.  Bucking the trend somewhat, this year the EURO 2012 game ...

I’d be the quickest person to argue that amongst the over-saturated mess that is the contemporary First-Person Shooter genre, the Ghost Recon franchise hasn’t been one that’s appeared brightly on many people’s games radars. Previous entries seem to flock by ...

I think it’s safe to say that this Easter has been more frightening for gaming fans than any other (and no, they haven’t revealed plans to commission another Duke Nukem title…) After the Easter market had been successfully infiltrated by ...

“See you in Rayman 4!” jokes Murfy, your smiley green winged guide, blissfully unaware that it would take exactly 8 years for that rendezvous to take shape. Yes, with the outstanding Rayman Origins claiming many ‘Game of the Year’ awards ...

As far as mature fantasy epics go, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings stands shoulder to shoulder with many of the industry’s finest – boasting some of the most advanced storytelling and considered combat we’ve seen this side of the ...

It’s hard to believe that little over a decade ago we were first introduced to the eponymous town of Silent Hill; a town where inescapable fear and psychological horror lies dormant amidst the iconic confines of ghostly fog. Whilst Konami ...

FIFA Street sounds like exactly the wrong type of game to exist in today’s current market; a flamboyant, arcade-like, trick-based footballing simulator that takes the core mechanics of one of the worlds’ most successful sports games, FIFA 12, and moulds ...

They say “when it rains, it pours” – and boy does the atmosphere pour out of Silent Hill: Downpour like the sweat of an overtly masculine prison-cell bully. Murphy Pendleton is no such prison-cell bully, but that’s not to say ...

At various stages in my life I think I’ve been a significant fan of both the Street Fighter and the Tekken games – but never at the same time. I was either obsessed with them individually or just not at ...

Slick visuals, fluid action and wonderful four-player co-op combine to make Syndicate a worthy next-gen title, but is it more than just a pretty face? Over the past decade, EA have consistently excelled in producing games that tick the boxes. ...

Call me ‘kooky’, but for some unbeknown reason I recently found myself sitting down with a friend discussing a videogame title in extreme length.  We pondered over the various, multi-faceted meanings of the two words “Binary Domain”; SEGA’s attempt at ...

Have you ever wanted to be a vigilante? What about a villain? Say, have you ever wanted to glide through the air spouting cheesy one-liners before swooping down to deliver some sweet justice? If you’ve answered any of those with ...

On February 17th, UFC Undisputed 3 was simultaneously released to a cacophony of adrenaline-fuelled, furrowed-brow gamers and harmoniously positive reviewers across the world. Yet for me, UFC Undisputed 3 promised to be an altogether more interesting experience for the simple ...