Dave Walsh

Dave Walsh is a well-known combat sports journalist specializing in Kickboxing and also works as a freelance journalist specializing in gaming and entertainment.
  • Tomb Raider Continues to Prove That Sex Sells in Gaming

    The team at Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix have worked hard to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise and to present Lara Croft in a new...

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    The team at Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix have worked hard to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise and to present Lara Croft in a new light, beyond what the character was in the past. In the past the character was a kickass wonderchick with huge breasts and oozing with sex appeal. It sold a lot...
    846 points
  • Sometimes Microtransactions and In-Game DLC Make Sense

    There has been an uproar of late over some discussion of EA working microtransactions and DLC unlocks into more, if not all of their upcoming...

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    There has been an uproar of late over some discussion of EA working microtransactions and DLC unlocks into more, if not all of their upcoming games, a topic which I find oddly fascinating. I’ve seen terms thrown around like “pay-to-win,” “pay-to-play” and many other ones thrown around and we’ve even seen industry giant Cliff Blezinski...
    845 points
  • Some Games Are Good Enough to Overlook the Flaws

    The other night I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends about the game Heavy Rain, a game which I hold near and...

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    The other night I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends about the game Heavy Rain, a game which I hold near and dear to my heart as one of the best games of this generation. He made the argument that the writing in that game was confusing if not incredibly poor at...
    839 points
  • You Really Shouldn’t Care About the Upcoming ‘Console Wars’

    If you are like me and spend a portion of your week reading around the internet about gaming then you’ve probably not been able to...

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    If you are like me and spend a portion of your week reading around the internet about gaming then you’ve probably not been able to avoid the oncoming sense of dread of the ongoing and upcoming arguments about which console will win the “console wars.” This argument has been around for as long as there...
    850 points
  • Why I’m Thankful That Connor Won’t Return in Assassin’s Creed IV

    The recent detail leak about the upcoming Assassin’s Creed IV has made a few things clear, first and foremost the new setting and most importantly...

    The recent detail leak about the upcoming Assassin’s Creed IV has made a few things clear, first and foremost the new setting and most importantly the new lead character. Well, that is, a new sub-lead character, as there is a good chance that the main plot line will still follow the trials and tribulations (or...
    855 points
  • I’ll Admit It, The PlayStation 4 Is Incredibly Impressive

    The most honest way that I can discuss this upcoming generation of consoles is to say that I’ve been seriously considering putting together a moderate...

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    The most honest way that I can discuss this upcoming generation of consoles is to say that I’ve been seriously considering putting together a moderate PC for next to my television and to utilize Steam’s Big Picture Mode in lieu of dropping a bunch of money on different consoles and expensive games. One of the...
    848 points
  • Backwards Compatibility is Not Having to Pay For Games Again

    There really is something to be said for being a loyal customer and supporting a company through years and years of products, including newer and...

    There really is something to be said for being a loyal customer and supporting a company through years and years of products, including newer and more expensive ones every few years. That is the life of being a videogame enthusiast; you get roped into purchasing new consoles every few years while your old system has...
    851 points
  • The PS4 Has to Impress to Keep the PlayStation Brand Alive

    The past few years have been a bit rough for the videogame industry. It is still a growing industry, which makes it difficult to really...

    The past few years have been a bit rough for the videogame industry. It is still a growing industry, which makes it difficult to really fathom how it could be a rough few years, but we’ve seen feast or famine for a lot of companies, as well as some poor decisions and a lot of...
    849 points
  • Metal Gear Rising Sparks Debate of Game Length Versus Game Value

    Today marks the launch of the latest part of the Metal Gear world’s long-running saga by the way of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Kojima Productions...

    Today marks the launch of the latest part of the Metal Gear world’s long-running saga by the way of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Kojima Productions is a team that has gotten a lot of hype surrounding them as the Metal Gear Solid titles have been lauded as some of the best games in the history...
    855 points
  • The Next Generation Will Thrive or Die on Exclusives

    Exclusive titles have been a big deal for videogame consoles since the major game console developers began competing with each other. The competition between platforms...

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    Exclusive titles have been a big deal for videogame consoles since the major game console developers began competing with each other. The competition between platforms has led to developers signing on for console-exclusive titles and for these titles being make-or-break for them. The most obvious example of this would be Nintendo’s first party titles that...
    843 points
  • How a Genre Classification Can Turn Someone Off Instantly

    Tuesday marked the release of the much-anticipated Dead Space 3, the third in a trilogy of critically-acclaimed and big-selling series that has spanned this entire...

    Tuesday marked the release of the much-anticipated Dead Space 3, the third in a trilogy of critically-acclaimed and big-selling series that has spanned this entire generation of consoles’ lifespan. This also marks the third game in a series that I’ve never had even an inkling of inspiration to ever look into or even care that...
    848 points
  • Game Demos Actually Keep The Industry Honest

    I’ll be brutally honest when I say this; at the DICE Summit 2013 Jesse Schell took to the stage and discussed the game industry and...

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    I’ll be brutally honest when I say this; at the DICE Summit 2013 Jesse Schell took to the stage and discussed the game industry and while a lot of his commentary was right-on, the part that stuck out to me and many others was his talk about game demos. In his mind, game demos are...
    835 points
  • Warren Spector is Right: Games Need to Grow Up

    Warren Spector is a guy that is mostly known for his last job at Disney/Junction Point where he designed the Epic Mickey games of late,...

    Warren Spector is a guy that is mostly known for his last job at Disney/Junction Point where he designed the Epic Mickey games of late, but he’s been around the gaming world for quite a while now and is one of the few guys that if you were to listen to someone, you’d listen to...
    837 points
  • Sony and Microsoft’s Focus on Motion Control Feels Futile

    The news that leaked out about Sony not only having developed a next generation PlayStation Eye, but looking to package it in with the PlayStation...

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    The news that leaked out about Sony not only having developed a next generation PlayStation Eye, but looking to package it in with the PlayStation 4 (also called Orbis) has the internet talking about motion control yet again and how this will rival the next generation of Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox. Both Microsoft and Sony...
    848 points
  • The Double-Edged Sword of the Used Game Debate

    We’ve seen a lot of talk over the past few months about the future of used games, especially when it comes to the next generation...

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    We’ve seen a lot of talk over the past few months about the future of used games, especially when it comes to the next generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft. There has been widespread speculation that either one or both of the upcoming consoles could be blocking the usage of used games, binding games to...
    837 points
  • How Next-Gen Consoles Could Lose Ground to PCs

    This topic is a bit of an odd one, because really, PCs are losing a lot of the marketshare that they used to have a...

    Steam Big Picture
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    This topic is a bit of an odd one, because really, PCs are losing a lot of the marketshare that they used to have a stranglehold on for years. When you think about it, what else would you use to browse the internet, check your bank account, read your email and check your Facebook on?...
    837 points