Dave Walsh

Dave Walsh is a well-known combat sports journalist specializing in Kickboxing and also works as a freelance journalist specializing in gaming and entertainment.
  • How Gaming Can Learn From Netflix’s House of Cards

    Netflix took the big leap into premium television this weekend by releasing their first ever original series, “House of Cards,” by putting the entire first...

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    Netflix took the big leap into premium television this weekend by releasing their first ever original series, “House of Cards,” by putting the entire first season on all at once. Netflix believes that viewers tend to digest shows in large lumps and that their new series should be digested all 13 episodes in a row,...
    841 points
  • We Need More Drama in Gaming to Elevate the Medium

    When you look at the world of entertainment outside of gaming, there are many genres, but the most popular in film, television and literature always...

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    When you look at the world of entertainment outside of gaming, there are many genres, but the most popular in film, television and literature always seems to just be basic, run-of-the-mill drama. Of course, it makes perfect sense when you figure that drama is easier for wide audiences to connect to. Day-to-day trials and tribulations...
    841 points
  • The Grand Theft Auto V Delay Should Make You Happy

    Ah yes, Grand Theft Auto V, the latest installment of the much-beloved and much-vilified Grand Theft Auto series. Thursday was a tough day for fans...

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    Ah yes, Grand Theft Auto V, the latest installment of the much-beloved and much-vilified Grand Theft Auto series. Thursday was a tough day for fans of the series (at this point, who isn’t considered a fan of the series with their sales numbers?) as the title, which was originally slated for a Spring of 2013...
    841 points
  • Games Should Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

    With all of the talk about violent videogames and if they possibly are harmful to children or cause certain people to be aggressive, I think...

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    With all of the talk about violent videogames and if they possibly are harmful to children or cause certain people to be aggressive, I think that now is as good of a time as ever to maybe slow things down a bit and take a look at the other side of gaming. You know the...
    834 points
  • Wrestling Gamers Are the Lost Children of Gaming

    So there is still a lot of hype and speculation swirling around in response to the WWE license moving from THQ and Yukes to Take-Two...

    WWE 13
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    So there is still a lot of hype and speculation swirling around in response to the WWE license moving from THQ and Yukes to Take-Two and 2k Games with still no word from 2k on the acquisition and no real clue how the WWE license will move forward. As someone who has been purchasing wrestling...
    839 points
  • The Upcoming Gaming Apocalypse For Major Publishers

    There has been a lot of talk about the demise of THQ in the past few weeks, a lot of finger-pointing and a lot of...

    There has been a lot of talk about the demise of THQ in the past few weeks, a lot of finger-pointing and a lot of curiosity if we’ll see this expand beyond their company and if we’ll see other major publishers go the way of the Dodo bird. Without a doubt THQ isn’t the only...
    842 points
  • Game Companies May Be Evil, But Most of Their Employees Are Not

    So THQ has officially died and remaining employees were told on Friday that they had a finite amount of time to collect their personal effects...

    So THQ has officially died and remaining employees were told on Friday that they had a finite amount of time to collect their personal effects and get the hell out of dodge. THQ has been known for a lot of things over the years, but the reality is that most people within the gaming industry...
    854 points
  • WWE License Possibly Moved From One Abusive Spouse to the Next

    When it comes to wrestling games, it is difficult sometimes not to be alarmist or a bit heavy-handed when it comes to talking about them....

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    When it comes to wrestling games, it is difficult sometimes not to be alarmist or a bit heavy-handed when it comes to talking about them. Maybe that just comes with the territory as the genre at one time was chock-full of quality titles (involving a lot of importing, mind you) to only having very few...
    853 points
  • The Cave is the Return of the Kings of Adventure Games

    There aren’t many games that are slated for 2013 that really have me all that excited, sadly. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some...

    There aren’t many games that are slated for 2013 that really have me all that excited, sadly. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some really good games and that there won’t be some games that I love, because there will be probably a ton. There was one game that I was really excited over,...
    845 points
  • How the PS3 Excelled and Failed at Delivering the Goods

    It is a new year, which is also a new year in gaming and a new era rapidly approaches. Nintendo has already taken that first...

    It is a new year, which is also a new year in gaming and a new era rapidly approaches. Nintendo has already taken that first big step with the Wii U’s release in November of 2012, but both Microsoft and Sony have yet to pull the trigger when it comes to even announcing their next...
    846 points
  • How the Xbox 360 Excelled and Failed at Delivering the Goods

    It has been many years since this current generation of consoles (for the sake of this article, the Wii for Nintendo) was released and has...

    It has been many years since this current generation of consoles (for the sake of this article, the Wii for Nintendo) was released and has since sat on the market for quite a while now. We are finally entering into the realm of each major console maker releasing their next generation of consoles, with Nintendo...
    851 points
  • I Really Miss the Glory Days of Japanese RPGs

    Sometimes when you are writing something you have this gut feeling that people are going to disagree with you in a pretty hardcore way or...

    Sometimes when you are writing something you have this gut feeling that people are going to disagree with you in a pretty hardcore way or they are going to agree with you. It is hard to settle on which one it will be, but you keep moving forward anyway. I feel like this topic is...
    836 points
  • I Strongly Dislike the Terms ‘Hardcore’ and ‘Casual’ Gamer

    I’m rapidly approaching the landmark age of 30 and sometimes it all seems like a giant blur to me. The other night I was brushing...

    I’m rapidly approaching the landmark age of 30 and sometimes it all seems like a giant blur to me. The other night I was brushing my teeth and glanced up in the mirror and saw one shiny gray hair staring back at me, mixed in with all of the other light brown hairs. I spent...
    849 points
  • This Generation’s Defining Characters for Each Console

    This generation of game consoles is finally starting to reach the end of its life, with Nintendo already having released their new Wii U console....

    Master Chief
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    This generation of game consoles is finally starting to reach the end of its life, with Nintendo already having released their new Wii U console. The expectations are that Microsoft and Sony will at least announce their next generation consoles within the coming months, which means that it is time to start reflecting. There have...
    845 points
  • After Some Recent Headaches, I Really Won’t Miss THQ If They Go

    I feel that in the end of something’s lifecycle people tend to get a bit nostalgic for it, even if the history behind it was...

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    I feel that in the end of something’s lifecycle people tend to get a bit nostalgic for it, even if the history behind it was embarrassing, poor and downright awful. THQ had a lot of hit titles and a lot of fun games over the years, but there was always this overarching sense that they...
    854 points
  • Wrestling Revolution Fighting the Good Fight

    There is something to be said for choosing to do everything independently and not giving up creative control or bowing down to outside forces. I’m...

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    There is something to be said for choosing to do everything independently and not giving up creative control or bowing down to outside forces. I’m one of those people who intimately understands that as over the summer my band released an album on our own and just recently I released a novel on my own...
    835 points