Dave Walsh

Dave Walsh is a well-known combat sports journalist specializing in Kickboxing and also works as a freelance journalist specializing in gaming and entertainment.
  • The Pros and Cons of the DLC Trend in Gaming

    If there ever was a more vilified entity in gaming than the dreaded DLC (downloadable content), I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it. It...

    If there ever was a more vilified entity in gaming than the dreaded DLC (downloadable content), I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it. It affects gamers everywhere, fans of every genre, every console and every publisher. There is no fan favorite publisher out there who strays away from DLC because of how huge of...
    835 points
  • Weighing the Balance Between Gameplay and Story

    If there ever was a push-and-pull within the gaming world, it would have to be that imaginary line that exists between gameplay and story. For...

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    If there ever was a push-and-pull within the gaming world, it would have to be that imaginary line that exists between gameplay and story. For some gamers, fun factor is the most important, to others, the story is. The fact is, games started out as just that — games. They were intended to be played,...
    838 points
  • Game Companies Should Focus on Quality Not Innovation

    Part of what makes gaming such a special medium is that gamers have such a strong emotional bond with games that they love. Companies like...

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    Part of what makes gaming such a special medium is that gamers have such a strong emotional bond with games that they love. Companies like Nintendo and Sega have understood that and continue to push out titles with characters that have been established for decades now, but are beloved by fans. If there is a...
    844 points
  • Why This Generation of Consoles Is Not Dead Yet

    The Wii U marked the introduction of of the next generation of gaming consoles, so-to-speak, meaning that the future is now upon us and that...

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    The Wii U marked the introduction of of the next generation of gaming consoles, so-to-speak, meaning that the future is now upon us and that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are reaching the end of their life cycles and that we’ll soon have shiny new consoles from both Microsoft and Sony with more power,...
    838 points
  • A Look at Microsoft’s Xbox SmartGlass App for Xbox 360

    Ah yes, the holiday season, which every two years for me has meant that it was time for me to say out with the old...

    Xbox SmartGlass
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    Ah yes, the holiday season, which every two years for me has meant that it was time for me to say out with the old and in with the new, that is, when it comes to cellphones. I’ve been a smartphone user for a good number of years now, not wanting to miss out on...
    845 points
  • Black Ops 2, Variety is the Spice of Life

    As a guy who generally likes to get a new shooter every year, this year was looking kind of bleak for the multiplayer shooter games....

    As a guy who generally likes to get a new shooter every year, this year was looking kind of bleak for the multiplayer shooter games. Last year I was spoiled rotten by DICE releasing Battlefield 3 which provided me with endless hours of awesome online play, and for last year, Battlefield 3 really was the...
    832 points
  • Brace Yourself For the Return of the Console Wars

    I hate the term fanboy, I really do. It is obnoxious and pigeonholes people into a box for being a fan of one thing or...

    I hate the term fanboy, I really do. It is obnoxious and pigeonholes people into a box for being a fan of one thing or another while disliking the competition. What is sad is that with language comes change, and like it or not, some words become a part of the collective consciousness, and at...
    840 points
  • Nintendo is Fallible, Just Like Everyone and Everything Else

    I’ll admit it, I’ve only been covering gaming for the better part of a year now for multiple outlets, and as much as I enjoy...

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    I’ll admit it, I’ve only been covering gaming for the better part of a year now for multiple outlets, and as much as I enjoy it, there are some things that pop up every so often that really start to grind my gears. I think that the biggest thing that I’ve noticed that seems almost...
    851 points
  • What the Wii U Does Right: Wii U Miiverse

    The Nintendo Wii U is still pretty new to the market, and there are a lot of people talking up some of the features while...

    The Nintendo Wii U is still pretty new to the market, and there are a lot of people talking up some of the features while some are getting thrashed. Sure, we could sit around and make jokes about processing power, and how Hoverboards don’t work on water unless you’ve got power, but honestly, that doesn’t...
    832 points
  • What the Nintendo Wii U Does Right: The GamePad

    The Wii U is in the news so much recently that it is probably time to give a nice, hard and long look at the...

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    The Wii U is in the news so much recently that it is probably time to give a nice, hard and long look at the new features that the Wii U touts that will probably end up giving the competition some reason to go back to the drawing board before they unveil their next generation...
    838 points
  • Fever Pitch: I Doubt Black Ops 2 is Worth the Money

    Lots of gamers remind me of domestic abuse victims in a way, no offense intended to those who deal with the very scary reality of...

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    Lots of gamers remind me of domestic abuse victims in a way, no offense intended to those who deal with the very scary reality of domestic abuse around the world daily, but there is no other way to explain it. Year after year, we as a whole mobilize ourselves to buy games in series that...
    842 points
  • Wow am I Growing Tired of Zombies in Games

    As I was writing up a news piece about Dead Island Riptide, it became painfully clear to me that it might be time to retire...

    As I was writing up a news piece about Dead Island Riptide, it became painfully clear to me that it might be time to retire the zombie for a while as we have been beaten over the head with them for years now. The basics of zombies are fascinating, really. They can be used to...
    833 points
  • Lamentations of an Old Wrestling Gamer in a Modern World

    I’ve been playing WWE ‘13 for the better part of a week now, and while I find the improvements made to the game over the...

    WWE 13
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    I’ve been playing WWE ‘13 for the better part of a week now, and while I find the improvements made to the game over the years to be endearing and fun, a part of me is still kind of frustrated with how slow the progress has been to finally get THQ and Yukes to produce...
    847 points
  • WWE ’13 Quick Thoughts and Impressions

    WWE ‘13 promised a “revolution” for WWE fans and gamers with this year’s iteration in the long-running THQ and Yukes WWE game series, but can...

    WWE 13
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    WWE ‘13 promised a “revolution” for WWE fans and gamers with this year’s iteration in the long-running THQ and Yukes WWE game series, but can it deliver on that? Yearly installment-based games have always been known for only making minor improvements while demanding full price from consumers year-after-year. So the question on a lot of...
    829 points
  • Assassin’s Creed: The Plastic Series That Lost Me

    There is something about the Assassin’s Creed series that feels off, and I know that I can’t be the only one to feel that way....

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    There is something about the Assassin’s Creed series that feels off, and I know that I can’t be the only one to feel that way. I say this as someone who was pushed into this current generation of consoles after a lengthy wait thanks to how amazing Assassin’s Creed looked and the gameplay that was...
    840 points
  • The Clear Cut Winner of the Best Next Gen Console

    The clear cut winner of the best Next Gen console is the one that suits your needs best. Something that has always struck me about...

    Big 3
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    The clear cut winner of the best Next Gen console is the one that suits your needs best. Something that has always struck me about gamers is that brand loyalty runs incredibly deep. In a way it reminds me of patriotism, where fans of a certain brand will fly their flag and search for ways...
    840 points