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The time goes by and we continue to see different surprises. Something we didn’t know it exists suddenly comes to the surface. Those who know the story won’t be surprised, but still, this is shocking by any means. You probably ...

After you reach a certain age, your body starts to give up on you, no matter how young you might feel. And then there are those who like Ms. C. Shirley Clements is a 60-year old dance teacher and the founder of ...

I can’t remember when was the last time I was excited about something like this. When I saw this title, I opened the video as quickly as possible. This guy made it! Your parents probably hate this video game, but ...

I know dog is a man’s best friend, but this time we have something unusual. Every time this man leaves his home, there is his most loyal follower behind him. It doesn’t matter if he walks to work or goes ...

We don’t know what hides in the deep ocean until some scientists come and say they have found a new underwater creature. To be honest, they all look strange and new to me. This is something you’ve never seen before ...

It is another of the many thrilling events host by Red Bull: the Red Bull Kick-It and if you are a martial arts fan you won’t miss it. Capoeira, karate, kung-fu, taekwondo, gymnastics and breakdancing, these are all disciplines that are ...

Kids are just kids and you can really give them a lesson of how they need to pursue their dreams and handle the real world. Sometimes kids can do something that will make the parents feel ashamed, but making them ...

His voice fulfilled the whole room and his positive attitude is like a cherry on top. It’s not everyday we hear someone perform this great song like this. He gave everything while performing, and I know he has a huge ...

What was the most exiting thing your class did for your once-in-a-lifetime graduation ceremony? Well, whatever you did, after seeing this graduation ceremony, everything else would pale in comparison. The seniors of the Kahuku High School in Hawaii managed to pull off a performance where ...

I don’t know if it was intentionally or not, but this man’s phone captured something incredibly beautiful. He jumped with his phone in the ocean probably to take a photo of his friend while he was jumping, but the phone ...

One-selfie-per-day projects are cool if you can last for a week or a month. I’ve seen many of these people who want to show some change on their face taking a photo for a week. Nothing changes. When you compare ...

In his 20-year career as a pro-surfer, Argentinian Martín Passeri has won the championship five times. He was aiming for the sixth, when instead of doing for the trophy, he did something extraordinary. After an accident at the age of 18  ...

The future is getting closer every day. The hoverboards we dream of having since the first time we saw “Back To The Future” are becoming a reality and it’s only a matter of time when we can all have one. ...

People never stop surprising me with their abilities. While others play with real hula hoops, this man wanted something more extreme. He took a tractor tire. I can see your confused face from here. Yes, we are not messing with ...

There are many dangerous professions, and being a snake keeper or handler is probably up there in the top 5. Any normal person would stay far, far away from a room with over two dozen poisonous snakes placed inside little drawers, yet alone open ...

It’s only 2015 and we probably got the point of the century. Both of the players facing each other, probably for the first time, played tremendously and now they can go to the next stage. It’s rare to see something ...