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Assassin’s Creed IV has recently been unveiled and there has already been a lot of hype and speculation about the upcoming title. We already know some details, like that the game will be a prequel, of sorts, to Assassin’s Creed ...

Gaming was once about the overall interactive experience. The console was a portal that transported us into the addictive realms of virtual entertainment and compromised nothing; if you needed to get to point B you’d always know exactly how to ...

Assassin’s Creed III isn’t half bad, but then it’s not very good either. It’s mediocre really, as a stand-alone game it’s great fun an promises to have you busy for hours on end, but as part of the AC franchise it ...

If there’s one thing that you’re guaranteed when listening to the words of Ubisoft’s creative director Alex Hutchinson, it’s a little bit of controversy. It’s only a couple of weeks ago, after all that the man said that games journalists ...