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While we are waiting Carmelo Anthony to make his decision, we decided to show you these guys who never saw it coming. When I see this kind of fail situation I want to find the person responsible and yell at ...

Okay, this becomes hilarious. It can’t be right people to mess up things so badly. Honestly, I feel sorry for them, but man these situations made me laugh like a little kid. Is it possible for these people to have ...

We did it once, but these people just can’t stop making these hilarious tattoos. Without further ado here are the next 22 people who failed miserably at getting the perfect tattoo. The tattoo artists should be punished for this. 1. ...

You know how they say: If everything is going as it should, don’t worry something will mess up pretty quickly. These people know exactly what we are talking about. This miserable situation left them no choice than to take a ...