Top Ten Games on the Xbox 360
As was done for the PlayStation 4 launch, the Xbox One’s arrival provides a good moment to take a look back at some of the...
As was done for the PlayStation 4 launch, the Xbox One’s arrival provides a good moment to take a look back at some of the...
It started with a quote that triggered a firestorm. When asked about the development of the PlayStation 3, Sony Executive Ken Kutaragi said, “[PS3 is]...
The introduction to Capcom’s new 30th Anniversary Character Encyclopedia points out that Capcom got its start from arcade action and fighting games where story and...
With the month of November signaling the future of video games, it is time to give a final evaluation of the Xbox One and PlayStation...
When Plants vs. Zombies 2 hit iPhone earlier this year it gave tower defense junkies a dose of free-to-play heroin for the addictive franchise, but...
Quote Shakespeare all you want, a name is pretty important thing, especially when it comes to creative works like novels, films, song, and video games....
Don’t look now, but the launch of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are less than one month away. With some games going gold (Killzone:...
It is a fine line for video games to walk, that paper-thin rope, high in the air separating video games and movies. Ever since a...
The Jacob Javits Center on Manhattan’s west side has folded up its cape and taken off its tights, changing back into its secret identity as...
I was pretty excited as I started the world of GTA Online. In a world where MMOs–or the variations of them that we have come...