E3 2013: Top 5 Games From Sony’s Conference
Having judged the games from Microsoft’s E3 2013 conference, it’s time to judge the games shown at Sony’s E3 2013 press conference. Quite a few...
Having judged the games from Microsoft’s E3 2013 conference, it’s time to judge the games shown at Sony’s E3 2013 press conference. Quite a few...
With E3 2013 a day old, we’ve survived one of the most exciting E3’s in recent memory. From Microsoft’s at the start to Sony’s at...
The last thing that I was expecting going into these pre-E3 presentations today was that any one console maker would really come out ahead and...
E3 2013 is starting tomorrow, and after yesterday’s article looking at the Xbox One and what Microsoft can do to promote its new console, today’s...
E3 2013 is just around the corner! While I’m mostly excited for the next-generation of games, part of that is due to the next-generation of...
If you’ve been reading the internet, talking to other gamers or just paying attention to anything gaming in general you’ll notice that there is sort...
In less than a week we will be knee-deep in the biggest event of the video game year. The Electronic Entertainment Expo is known providing...
A few weeks have passed since the release of Metro Last Light. Having read many a glowing review for the game, I set out to...
I’ll admit it, back when I was younger I was a diehard PC gamer. It just made sense, seeing as though there was a PC...
After finally carving away a little down time at work, I hopped onto Twitter and saw something unexpected. Double Fine had gone back to the...